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Study On Tu Hai

Posted on:2017-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330485465541Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
TuHai was a Government Minister, a Grand Secretariat, a Great General and the Manchuria Commander-in-chief of the Yellow Banner in the shunzhi and kangxi Dynasty. He was adept with both the pen and the sword, very industrious, very allegiance, and outstanding achievements. He was a rarely historical personage in the Qing Dynasty. In this paper, Tuhai as a study object, we base on some official materials such as?the Qing Shizu Records?and?Qing Shengzu Records?in the Qing Dynasty, and take the Qing Dynasty Notes and modern works as the auxiliary, collect and sort some events relate to Tuhai, explore and analysis the historical background,reasons and influence of these events occurred, study Tuhai's actions and important role among these historical events.First, we do a brief introduction on Tuhai's biography and his family, then discusses why, how and what Tuhai did in the battles such as Eliminating ShuChu Mountain Thieivs, Conquesting Chahar Rebellion, Pacifying Three Feudatories Rebellion. And display his remarkable military ability, outstanding thought strategy,surprise tactics, again and again the large victories.Tuhai had long served as Ministers of Justice, Personnel and Revenue. We discusses detailed Tuhai's political achievements in Management Justice. Especially,to decide cases impartial; to abolish some tortures; to prohibite cruel treatment of prisoners; to send some wastelands for prisoners to cultivate in the rmote areas, to often assist the Kangxi Emperor to grant an amnesty to some prisoners, not it only reflected the imperial benevolence, but also showed Tuhai's achievements and houde.We again discuss political achievements of Tuhai to participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs such as the Khalkha Foreign Affairs, to supervise and handle supplying foodstuffs and funds for troops, to punish official to return from the battleground without authorization. We discuss the Tuhai seriously organized the debates and tests repeatedly with the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts under the Kangxi Emperor's concern, such that the Huihui Calendar was pulled out of the stage of history and the Western New Calendar was re-enabled. Tuhai made a historic contribution for the scientific nature of the calendar.We detailed discuss Tuhai's historical contribution in compiling ? the Qing Taizong Emperor Records?,?the Qing Shizu Records? and ?the Qing Imperial Genealogy?at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. We also referre cursorily to Tuhai asa Chief Executive Officer was responsible for compiling ? the Qing Taizu and Taizong Hadiths?, was responsible for correcting ?Law of the Qing Dynasty?and Tuhai taked part in compiling ? the Ming History ?; translating ? the Hongwu Hadiths ?into the Manchu script; wrote a preface in the back?A Good Word?.These are the most important raw material for the research of the history of the Qing Dynasty.Finally, we detailed discuss Tuhai was excessively and severely punished three times by the Shunzhi Emperor, such that dismissed and cut the prince, properties into the public, because of improper dealing with criminal affairs, the Jiangnan Examination Case and the Aranna Case. We deeper analysis its social reasons were the results of the Manchus and the Han people factional political struggle.
Keywords/Search Tags:TuHai, War Merit, Achievement, Setback
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