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A Positive Discourse Analysis With Appraisal Theory

Posted on:2017-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330482486010Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis attempts to analyze the news reports on the missing of MH370 in China Daily from the perspective of PDA, not only to verify and supplement the effectiveness of PDA, but also to provide the corresponding theoretical support for the interpretation of this kind of special news category and contribute to the building of a harmonious society. The data contains 10 news reports in China Daily which are involved in the MH370 event. The date of the news reports is set from March 9th to 14th,2014 in consideration of the timeliness and authenticity of the news reports. Based on PDA via Appraisal Theory, the thesis aims to answer the following research questions:in front of the irresistible disaster, what attitudes each group has taken; how the attitudes are reflected in the news reports; if the distribution of the appraisal resources is balanced in the disastrous news reports and how the appraisal resources respectively distribute in the three sub-systems of Appraisal Theory. Through the analysis of selected news reports, these questions are basically answered. Face an irresistible disaster, the governments'attitudes are positive and they actively take measures to try to minimize the losses; while the attitudes of the families and friends of the missing passengers are closely linked to what they heard and what they read in the newspapers. If the search-rescue work conducts timely and smoothly, they will be hopeful. Also, it sheds some light on journalists and readers:journalists should try to use as much as positive languages on the basis of objectivity; readers should see the government and all related personnel's efforts and face the disaster with a positive attitude.
Keywords/Search Tags:Appraisal Theory, Positive Discourse Analysis, disastrous news discourse
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