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Research On The Relationship Between Culture Adaptation And Achievement Of Learning Purposes Of Foreign Students In Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2016-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330464461695Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the early 1900s the notion of studying abroad has been an ever popular one among well developed countries such as America and Europe. Globalization and multiculturalism is at an all time high and the countries participating in study abroad programs and hosting foreigners are steady increasing. Individuals travel abroad to experience a new culture, a means of doing so is through studying at a university or institution abroad. Although there are many reason individuals travel to another country, including traveling to study abroad. Though not realizing that same culture they go to experience and learn could have affects on their actual purpose for traveling abroad to begin with. Many individuals as well as institutions focus on the glamour of studying abroad, experiencing and having the right to say that one has traveled to another country, obtaining a degree and raising ones status. Though are these individuals prepared and equipped for the actual adaptations process that waits.The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of culture adaptation to the achievement of learning purpose. One hundred and seventy four foreign students studying in Inner Mongolia were surveyed using a three-part questionnaire. The questionnaire was conducted in China within the northern Autonomous region of Inner Mongolia. The questions included those of demographic, culture adaptation and learning purposes and their level of achievement. Using qualitative methods students attending university in Inner Mongolia were surveyed on their purposes of coming abroad to learn, to what level they achieved that purpose and their self-assessed level of adaptation using the Likert scale. The questionnaire was comprised of previous studies on foreign students learning purpose for coming to China and foreign students culture adaptation.The study resulted in one hundred and seventy four participants from various countries, age range, marital status and educational levels. This study took an analytical view of the affects culture adaptation has on individuals achieving purposes for coming to China to learn. IBM SPSS and Excel were used for data analysis. Using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation we find a relationship between students adapting to a host countries culture and achieving their purpose or purposes for coming to learn. Such purposes include; academic, language and culture learning, career enhancement and self-growth among others. The data reports students adapting to culture and achieving learning purposes has a positive relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Individual(sojourner), culture, adaptation, learning purpose, achievement
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