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The Marketing Strategy Of Zhengzhou Hospital Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based On Consumer Behavior

Posted on:2018-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330542478965Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of social economy and the gradual improvement of people's living standard,demand for health care is also growing.Once there is a healthy demand,a public hospital is usually selected firstly?They are the way to choose a hospital from a lot of public hospitals and evaluation of the hospital these are worth thinking about in the hospital marketing department?O n this basis,the questionnaire for the investigation of patients' medical treatme nt in Zhengzhou and the questionnaire of patients' needs in Zhengzhou hospital of TCM that have been developed.We found that the patients' recognition of the technical level and efficac y of the public third grade hospital was satisfactory.However,people is lack of awareness of hospital of traditional Chinese medicine,the dominant tradition al Chinese medicine department and Curative effect of traditional Chinese medi cine.It is the medical process of TCM hospital that still to be improved.The construction of specialized departments of TCM hospital that needs to be stren gthened,and the post-hospital service needs to be refined.The five roles are us ed to analyze the behavior of consumers,which are advocates,decision makers,influencers,buyers and users.They have been analysed which are external fact ors influencing consumers' medical treatment,internal factors and marketing fact ors.External factors include social factors,political factors,cultural factors and competitive factors;Internal factors include self-factor,psychological factors,hos pital characteristics and medical services;Marketing factors include product,pric e,channel,promotion,political power and social relations.The marketing strateg y of Zhengzhou hospital of TCM has been put forward from the customer de mand,convenience,medical cost and communication angle.1.Medical needs ha s been preposed;2.Technical characteristics should be led by innovation;3.The consumers seek handily medical advice;4.Consumers spend low cost to see a d octor;5.the third party payment is strengthened?Consumers' needs for medical c are continue to be concerned and satisfied;medical staff's diagnosis and treatm ent skills are improved.The cost of medical treatment is reduced.The constructi on of preponderant subjects are strengthened.The process of medical service is improved.Social activities of public welfare marketing are carried out.Service fo llow-up after hospital is strengthened.In addition,the human,financial,cultural propaganda,organizational structure and policy of traditional Chinese medicine are guaranteed.Above all these are helpful for Zhengzhou hospital of TCM to obtain consumer trust and choice in the fierce competition in the medical mar ket.Also the industry influence and competitiveness of Zhengzhou hospital of TCM could be enhanced.Only in this way can Zhengzhou Municipal Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine obtain consumer trust and choice in the highl y competitive medical market,so as to enhance the influence and competitiven ess of the industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:traditional Chinese medicine, hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, demander, consuming behavior, hospital marketing
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