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Review About Postoperative Small Intestine Intussusception After Gastric Surgery In Adults

Posted on:2018-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Postoperative obstruction is a widely seen complication after gastric surgery,which is usually caused by diversity factors when happens.Etiology treatment is a key part of it's therapeutic principle,the early identification of the leading cause for the symptoms is of great importance for preventing clinical deterioration and increasing prognosis.Intussusception refers to a medical condition in which a part of the intestine invaginates(folds into)into another section of intestine and may cause bowel obstruction.Most of intussusception cases are rarely witnessed in adults comparing with in children,which take 5% of total cases,and 5% of bowel obstruction in adults are caused by intussusception[1,2].Postoperative intussusception is a rare cause for postoperative bowel obstruction as well as a rare complication after gastric surgery.It is of extremely low morbidity and unspecific symptom,moreover is often happens together with other complication such as intestinal adhesion,anastomotic edema,anastomotic stenosis,postoperative gastroplegia syndrome(PGS),the delay in diagnose and treatment may cause bowel necrosis,even threatening patients' lives.This review aimed to summarize the classification,etiology,diagnose,prevention and treatment of this condition to increase the awareness for it in medical employments and provide reference for the treatment and prevention.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small intestine intussusception, Bowel obstruction, Gastrectomy, Postoperative gastroplegia syndrome, Gastrojejunostomy
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