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Assignment Scheduling For High-value Medical Equipment Under Decentralized System

Posted on:2016-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330536487120Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's high-value medical equipment examination stage and insufficient use of idle contradiction,a serious imbalance in the distribution of demand,resulting in a serious waste of limited medical resources,has become an important issue in modern hospital management to be solved.In order to solve medical equipment regional supply and demand imbalances in check,the paper high value medical equipment MRI,for example,based on the limited time MDP decision-making process,the establishment of multi-point intra Healthcare Collaborative distributed system model to study the system more hospital outpatient facilities Check appointment scheduling problems.In this paper,under certain shared rules,transferring outpatient MRI equipment inspection requirements have established the goal of maximizing benefits for MDP real-time task allocation strategy,and using linear regression analysis on this basis,the idea was to get a more realistic general guidance in real time task allocation strategy.Numerical experiments found under the MDP model,referrals optimal task allocation strategy with the state change threshold policy,threshold and refuse to begin receiving cut-off point.That number has been patient appointment x determine when there is a decision-making stage t relevant threshold ,when the decision stage of t referral request occurs less than ,refuse the inspection request for referral of patients,after more than ,the reception.When the decision stage determines referral request t happen,there are a number of patients have reservation about the threshold ,when x is less than the number of patients has an appointment receiving referrals examination request,after more than ,is rejected.In the real-time strategy with the general model,optimal task allocation strategy can be expressed as the slope is positive first-order linear expression,when the state falls below the line,receiving referrals,or refuse.Meanwhile,the absence of a referral hospital in collaboration with the collaboration of distributed systems earnings were compared and found that a distributed system model to ensure the hospital's non-profit Save Changes parties.In addition,the paper referrals optimal real-time policy under different parameters sensitivity analysis,found that: 1)With the increase of referrals earnings value,the optimal strategy to receive referrals proportion rising to the threshold point Before moving,move backward.2)The second group of patients with increasing arrival rate,the optimal policy the proportion of patients receiving referrals declining threshold point moves backward, to move forward.3)The first group of patients with increasing arrival rate,the optimal policy the proportion of patients receiving referrals declining St threshold point moves backward, to move forward.Existing patient appointment scheduling problem by implementing reservation information systems,restructuring the hospital appointment process to optimize,few real-time control strategy research,this study makes up for deficiencies.On the reality of the situation,the hospital administrators to make decisions on how to provide real-time task allocation strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Healthcare, transshipment, MRI, appointment scheduling, MDP
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