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The Study Of Meridian Value Of Different Physical Groups In A Traditional Village Of Nanhai District In Foshan City

Posted on:2018-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330512996968Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ObjectiveThis study hopes to explore the characteristics of traditional Chines e medicine physique and meridian of Songtang Village,Xiangang Village an d Shilian Village in Nanhai District of Foshan City by the classification of TCM constitution and the meridian detector auxiliary means.ContentUsing the epidemiological investigation method of cross-section,the residents of China were divided into physical constitution and meridian t est.The "Body weight scale" was completed and the meridian test was comp leted to analyze the meridian characteristics of different physical group s.ResultA total of 1241 eligible subjects were included in this study,the com pletion of the "The standardized Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questio nnaires(CCMQ)" and the twelve meridian tests were completed.Which Song tang village a total of 576 people,accounting for 46.4%,Xiangang Villag e 250 people,accounting for 20.1%,Shilian Village 415 people,accountin g for 33.4%.Participating in the study of a total of 845 women,accounti ng for 68.1%,a total of 396 men,accounting for 38.9%.The youngest is 18 years old,the largest is 91 years old,the average age is(53.63 ± 15.45)years old.Traditional Chinese medicine physical distribution characteristic s:The highest quality of the highest proportion of a total of 863 cases,followed by the yang deficiency,a total of 104 cases,the rest were Qi d eficiency in 76 cases,56 cases of damp heat,44 cases of qi stagnation,blood stasis in 38 cases,,Phlegm in 19 cases,18 cases of yin deficienc y.Comparison of gender,age,occupation,educational level,marital-sta tus and religious beliefs.The results showed that there were statistical ly significant differences in sex,age,occupation and educational level among different physique(P<0.05).There was no statistically significan t difference between religious beliefs(P>0.05).Since the widowed and d ivorced samples in the marital status are too small,the chi-square test can not be performed.Age:the average age of phlegm-dampness(45.68 ± 17.45)and damp-hea t(39.71 ± 14.70)was the lowest in the nine physique,and the average a ge of the other seven physes was about 50 years old.The physical age of the average age(53.63 ± 15.45)is higher than that of the total age.Ge nder:female biased constitution,the highest proportion of yang deficien cy,followed by qi deficiency,qi stagnation.Men are the number of hot a nd humid for the most,followed by qi deficiency,yang quality.Occupatio nal aspects:The study to full-time family women and agriculture,forestr y,animal husbandry and fishery water production staff the largest number.Engaged in different occupations have different physical characteristics.Cultural level:Participants in the study,high school and secondary educ ation and the following accounted for 78.6%,college and above accounted for 21.4%,of which biased in the phlegm,wet heat,blood stasis more com mon The Marital status:the highest proportion of married people,the dis tribution of its physical characteristics and the distribution of the tot al sample is similar to the unmarried population,the highest proportion of hot and humid.Religious beliefs:religious residents accounted for 11.8%,no religious beliefs of the physical classification of the situation and the general sample classification is roughly the same.The age characteristics of different physique differences:the use of multiple regression analysis of different age characteristics of differen t physique differences,the results suggest that:yang deficiency with ph legm,wet heat,yin deficiency with the hot and humid,qi deficiency with phlegm,Phlegm with the yang quality,qi deficiency,peace and quality,d amp heat with the yang deficiency,yin deficiency,qi deficiency,blood s tasis,special temperament,Qi Yu quality,peace and quality,blood stasi s with the wet heat(P<0.01).There was significant difference between t he two groups(P<0.01).The total meridian value of different physique:the average of the meridi an(32.54 ± 16.75)of the phlegm and dampness mass was the highest in th enine physes,and the average meridian(24.84 ± 11.51)was the lowest.The balance of yin and yang,which indicates that the upper and lower balance values of the right Shaoyang are statistically significant,thati s,the right side of the foot Shaoyang gallbladder and the right hand Sha oyang triple joke compared with the partial The characteristics of the up s and downs.Different physical fitness between the meridian characteristics:Yang deficiency and qi deficiency,blood stasis,the quality of the compariso n,suggesting that the bladder by the difference,indicating that the bla dder can be used as the characteristics of yang deficiency;Yin deficienc y is now pericardium Physical now small intestine;phlegm in the stomach by the body,the hot and humid is also reflected in the small intestine;blood stasis is now through the bladder and the spleen;qi stenosis now t hree coke and small intestine;Stomach meridian;calm mass is now the sma 11 intestine and bladder by.Nine physical complex twelve meridian difference:the different physi cal strength of the twelve meridians of the rank test,suggesting that th e right side of the three coke has a statistically significant,while the right triple joke once again two two physical comparison,suggesting tha t Qi and peace Quality has a statistical difference.Consider the charact eristics associated with the two physical properties.ConclusionThrough the cross-sectional epidemiological investigation and research method,the physical classification and meridian examination oftraditiona 1 Chinese medicine were conducted in Songtang Village,Xiangang Village a nd Shilian Village,Nanhai District,Foshan City,which indicated that th e physical distribution of the population To the highest proportion of p1 ain quality,biased constitution,the highest proportion of yang deficien cy,the rest are qi deficiency,damp heat,qi stagnation,blood stasis,sp ecial temperament,phlegm,yin deficiency.And the physical and age,gend er,educational level,occupational distribution and physical fitness has a statistical difference,which is the local geographical environment,s ocial environment is closely related.And different physical meridian val ues have their own characteristics,suggesting that according to the meri dian value of the measurement of traditional Chinese medicine to identify the operability and practicality.
Keywords/Search Tags:physical, meridian measurements, traditional villages
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