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The Network Selection Algorithm Of Nature Reserve Designing

Posted on:2015-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F XueFull Text:PDF
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Designing and planning is the fundamental work for construction and management of nature reserve,which determines whether the reserve can protect biodiversity scientifically and effectively and maintenance the ecological safety.Nature reserve network selection algorithm has been widely used in foreign countries in a sufficiently long history,it is the first time that network selection algorithm applied at Daiyun Mountain overall regional biodiversity conservation planning.Based on the ecology evaluation of Daiyun Mountain Nature Reserves,the paper proposed space optimization recommendations for Daiyun Mountain Nature Reserves combined with spatial characteristics and ecological status requirements.Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve is a center of biological diversity in central Fujian Province,it has various species of animals and plants and typical mountain forest ecosystems.Concerned with the main target to protect forest ecosystems of Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve,qualitative and quantitative analysis about the status of plant diversity combining AHP evaluation was used.Selecting Species abundance,species relative abundance,diversity of habitat types,natural features representative degree of endangered species,species geographical distribution,habitat rarity,naturalness,area suitability,species viability,stability of biological populations,ecosystem stability,direct threats and indirect threats as the index evaluation layer,diversity,representativeness,rarity,naturalness,area suitability,vulnerability and human threats as the comprehensive evaluation layer to establish indicator system.The evaluation factor weight of judgment matrix shows that representative,the relative species abundance,species abundance and naturalness are important factor affecting the ecology of Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve.Comprehensive evaluation index of ecology in Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve was 6.48,indicating that it has rich diversity of vegetation at the level of normal.At the same time,threats from human activities on ecology can not be ignored.Using ArcGIS,a spatial analysis software,divided 18762 sublots of Daiyun Mountain Nature Reserve into 936 equal area projection grid which located in the Chishu,Leifeng,Nancheng,Guiyang,Shangyong and Daming six towns and edited the ecological attributes of each property grid.According to Dehua county forest resource management data,Land type,species composition,stand canopy density,average height,average DBH,age group and site quality are selected to calculate the ecological value e' of 936 sites and the ecological value distribution of Daiyun Mountain district.Establish the nature reserves network selection algorithm model and set a new objective function combined with the ecological value of Daiyun Mountain district,the results of model can calculated in LING012.The results show that the network selection algorithm is fully applicable in our country,optimized model and data structures can be applied on a larger scale.In the smallest fragmented sites of spatial characteristics constraints,the minimum variable e which is conversion amount the ecological value of e' was 4872.21.Network selection algorithm chose 88 sites in the Daiyun Mountain district,consisting of five Daiyun Mountain candidate regions.Candidate regions number 2,3 and 4 are close proximity of each other and far from number 1 and 5.The established Daiyun Mountain nature reserves basically covering number 2,3,the paper proposed to increase candidate region number 4 to Daiyun Mountain nature reserves network on the purpose of protecting biodiversity completely in Daiyun Mountain district.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nature reserve, Ecology assessment, Network selection algorithm, SCP, Daiyun Mountain
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