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Estimates The Genetic Parameters For Essential Reproductive Traits And Cross Utilization Of Two Chinese Indigenouspig Breeds

Posted on:2017-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q PuFull Text:PDF
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Basedon the reproductive data of Qingyu pig and Liangshan pig from2011 to 2015,we estimated the genetic parameter of Qingyu pig and Liangshan pig. Animal model and REML procedures were used toestimate the genetic parameters in software ASREML3.0. The targettraits were total number born (TNB), born alive litter size (NBA), birth litter weight (BW), birth weight (PBW), number of weaning piglets (WN), weaning litter weight (WW) and the average individual weaning weight (PWW). To study the hybrideffects of Duroc xLiangshan pig and Berkshirex Liangshan pig. We compared the difference of reproduction traits and growth traits in Duroc xLiangshan pig and BerkshirexLiangshan pig with pure Liangshan pig, then we compared the carcass traits and meat quality traits of pure Liangshan pig with Duroc xLiangshan crossbred. To discuss the hybrideffects of Berkshire xQingyu pig. We compared Berkshire xQingyu pig with pure Qingyu pig on carcass traits and meat quality traits. Then we analyzed the carcass traits and meat quality traits of BerkshirexQingyu pigatfour different slaughter weights (70kg,80kg,90kg and 100kg).The result showed that the heritability of reproductive traits in Qingyu pig are between 0.09 to 0.22. Theestimatedheritability were 0.22,0.22,0.21 for total number born (TNB), birth litter weight (BW) and number of weaned piglets(NW). All the heritability of otherreproductive traits were less than 0.2.Repeatability of reproduction traits were between 0.10 to 0.23 in Qingyu pig,which were similar to the early reported data in China.Repeatability of all reproduction traits were biggerthan the heritability of corresponding traits, which showed that the heritability and repeatability were reasonable. The genetic correlation between TNB with NBA was 0.72±0.11, the genetic correlation between TNB, NBA, NW with PBW were-0.69±0.24?-0.17±0.06?-0.33±0.15 respectively. The genetic correlation between NW andTNB, NBA, PBW, WW were 0.81±0.38?0.87±0.23?0.28±0.14?0.89±0.15 respectively. There correlation between TNB,NBAandPBWwere negative.The repeatability of all reproduction traits were between 0.09 to 0.27 in Liangshan pig. All repeatability of reproduction traits were significant in Liangshan pig, except for PWW. Results showed that the repeatability of NW was highest, and the lowest repeatability was PWW. Repeatability of all reproduction traits were greater than 0.2, while the repeatability of TNB and NW were 0.21±0.04 and 0.27±0.08 respectively.In our study, we found that Duroc x Liangshan pig and Berkshire x Liangshan pig significantlyimproved on TNB, NBA, BW, NW and WW, when compared to pure Liangshan pig. Duroc X Liangshan pig crossbred was excellent on NW, BW, WW traits compared to Berkshire × Liangshan pig crossbred, while Berkshire × Liangshan pig crossbred beyond Duroc x Liangshan pig crossbred on TNB and NBA. Duroc × Liangshan pig had highest growth rate from 0 to 180 day, when compared to Berkshire x Liangshan pig and pure Liangshan pig. We found that the heterosis of Duroc × Liangshan pig were 18.06 and 10.45 for NW and WW, and other growth traits didn't show obvious heterosis. Berkshire × Liangshan pig showed significantly negative heterosis for weight at 180 day, and significantly positive heterosis for WW, and other growth traits have no obvious heterosis.We compared the pure Liangshan pig with Duroc × Liangshan pig, between carcass traits and meat quality traits, when slaughter age reached 180 day or 270 day. We found that meat quality traits of Duroc × Liangshan were good in both two dates. Slaughter at270 day, just the lion eye area and carcass Length of Duroc × Liangshan crossbred pig improved significantly, when comparedwith slaughter at180 day. Duroc × Liangshan pig crossbred exceed pure Liangshan pig on lion eye area, carcass length, slaughter rate and lean meat percentage significantly, when slaughtered at 180 day. We found that show the same results as when slaughtered at270 day. Heterosis of Duroc × Liangshan pig crossbred were 16.42,22.88,50.36 for carcass length, backfat thickness and lion eye area respectively, while other meat quality traits didn't show obvious heterosis.When compared the pure Qingyu pig with Berkshire × Qingyu pig, between carcass trait and meat quality trait. The results showed that Berkshire × Qingyu enhanced the slaughter weight, slaughter rate, lion eye area, lean meat percentage than pure Qingyu pig, and the fat rate was less than pure Qingyu pig. We researched the law between carcass traits andmeat quality trait with different slaughter weight in Berkshire × Qingyu pig crossbred, results showed that the best slaughter weight is 90kg for thecrossbred.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qingyu pig, Liangshan pig, genetic parameter, cross utilization, heterosis
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