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Hangzhou City Landscape Revetment Research

Posted on:2018-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330518976988Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province, the water network clouds, beautiful scenery,profound historical and cultural heritage. Hangzhou at present, as the population continues to increase,the urban ecological environment is increasingly grim, Zhejiang provincial government continue to strengthen river regulation. How to seize the historical opportunity to deal with the problems of water system in Hangzhou city and improve the quality of life of urban residents is a big challenge in the public space construction of Hangzhou city.In this paper, through literature search, field surveys and other research methods to analyze landscape revetment in Hangzhou City, the content of this paper can be summarized as follows:1, First analyzes the research and development related to the concept of landscape revetment in China and abroad and summarizes the city waterfront, revetment function, feature classification and various types.2, The XiXi Wetland in Hangzhou City, Jiang Yang river ecological park, Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale, Prince Bay Park, along the West Lake, including Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond,Maojiabu, Curved Yard and Lotus Pool in Summer, broken bridge, field investigation and Orioles Singing in the Willows University Zhejiang 6 block area, analyzing the main type of revetment, water quality, plant landscape. Around the building, the elements of garden road. Summarizes the main features of landscape revetment in Hangzhou city. The area above research select in Hangzhou city in the construction and renovation of water system has some typical and representative covers, wetlands,lakes, canals, park, campus and so on.3, According to the main features of waterfront landscape construction in Hangzhou City, the principle in the design of the guiding ideology, norms, under the premise, put forward from the landscape aesthetics, human nature and human history protection three aspects of optimization design.4, Describes the factors considered revetment plant configuration, the Hangzhou City revetment is suitable for planting plants through investigation and analysis, the recommended form of revetment and plant configuration; according to the characteristics of Hangzhou, Hangzhou river water quality is poor,put forward to improve technology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hangzhou city, waterfront, landscape revetment, landscape design, landscape plants
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