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Decoration Research In Product Design

Posted on:2018-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330518493749Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Decorative patterns through the cradle of history in various countries under the impact,gradually evolved into a varied style of decorative art. In the early human origins, humans learned to use tools and invent a lot of the time, and even today are very meaningful products. When people skilled in making utensils and tools, not content to just make the utensils. They classify the utensils, cooking utensils, sacrificial utensils, cleaning supplies,and so on. To distinguish these appliances, decoration was born. Decoration, mostly in order to describe a particular occasion or if you want to record history, people, events, and so on. These specific practical and decorative, and is usually used in pottery painting,murals, and on the embroidery, some accessories and wood products were often seen. For decorative purposes and uses a very broad, entertainment, worship, funeral, and even history.Decorated in a variety of different shifts in culture under the influence, whether it is in combination of point, line and area as well as decoration, colors, and content, there are different degrees of changes and extensions. Product decoration now also vary greatly on the development of the times, use of collection materials, user experience, function,techology, aesthetics, combined with the product concept of modern decorative art was booming. But today, "decoration" becomes "chicken ribs"-particularly in the decorative can clearly distinguish a group of people, a large proportion of people waving "decoration that is evil" like waving to us. In their view, is decorated surfaces, pedantic, and defy the food really, but not quite. Decoration is as an unavoidable problem any one design. Whether it is guilty or we are unable to judge whether the angels. But only one thing is for sure is that fewer people seriously decorated, even some design ideas to pursue people who sometimes settle in a hurry in the decoration section.What to do to make decorations and expression of product semantics and product ideas complement each other, how to decorate, how to do excessive decorative, as we walked in the way of decorative needs a deep study of the topic.
Keywords/Search Tags:decorative, design, trends, methods, aesthetic
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