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The New Studentification Community In The Suburbs

Posted on:2018-09-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330515472714Subject:Urban Planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the social and economic reform in China,the higher education system has also undergone profound changes.Since the reform of the higher education system in the 1990s,the number of Chinese higher education students has been ranked first in the world.Chinese universities go from the elite,centralized intellectual community to the popular,localized knowledge management body.Popularized higher education increases the number of students receiving higher education.At the same time,there are more and more differences between students.For many places,localized higher education means the city's development opportunities,and the university has been included in the city's management.Colleges and universities at their own expense,the establishment of industry and other changes in line with the development of the market make universities become education services and knowledge providers.Universities as an important social and cultural resources,begin to migrate from the city center to the suburbs,and suburbanization of the university opens the process of studentification.However,the theoretical research on the influence of the social space caused by the large-scale spatial migration of the student population is very scarce,and there are academic research and systematic policy absent for the whole student group.Many pre-existing conceptual tools and theoretical structures of urban planning,geography,urban sociology,and other disciplines may not be sufficient to address these problems.Thus,the theory of studentification begins to enter the researcher's vision.The study of studentification is a special type of gentrification,and explores the impact of college students' large-scale access to urban space on the community near higher education institutions.Britain is the original place and the basic camp of the studentification study.The studentification study in England experienced the change from the HMO-based first wave to the PBSA-based second wave under the guidance of the neoliberal government.In the process of the first wave of studentification,the landlords around the university would rent their own homes to college students,and the specifical service for students such as the housing agencies increased.So,house in multiple occupation(HMO)phenomenon began to appear.With the large-scale and centralized grouping of students,the community aborigines protested the studentification phenomenon,and the degree of intervention between the government and the developers gradually strengthened.As a result,the second wave of studentification was born.In the second wave of studentification process,the purpose-built student accommodation(PBSA)began to appear and the degree of aggregation and isolation between the community aborigines and students increased.And also de-studentification became a process of change that had been stimulated by the increased supply of purpose-built student accommodation.De-studentification lead to the depopulation and decline of some classical studentified neighbourhoods.Moreover,these urban transformations have several significant implications for pre-existing conceptualisations of urban change and student geographies.The influx of students into lacal neighbprhoods had given rise to residential displacement and a series of social,economic and culture sonsequences.At the economic level,studentification would lead to the re-commercialization and re-packaging of private housing,the rise of property prices and changes between the housing supply and demand.Also studentification would lead to a higher proportion of rental housing which made the property rights decrease.In the social level,mobile,young,single feature groups of students would replace the original resident,resulting in new social space concentration and isolation.In the landscape level,external material environment produced renewal process.With the student process,material landscape will be upgraded or recession,depending on the local background of studentization.In the cultural level,the gathering of student groups with the same culture,living habits and consumption patterns would lead to a specific increase in retail and service facilities.In this paper,the author analyzes the new space in the process of urban expansion-the new studentification community in order to understand the college students' living how to make the city change in the context of higher education change.This paper is based on the logical thinking of "macro background-phenomenon characteristics-effect mechanism-reflection of prospect".This paper chooses the Wangyue community in Hangzhou as a specific case,and analyzes the formation process,student characteristics and social space of the community through literature review,field investigation,questionnaire survey and semi-structured interview.This paper analyses the formation mechanism and effect of this new space in the suburb of the new community,with a view to provide suggestions and reference for the students' urban policy under the knowledge economy era.In the paper,the first chapter is the research introduction,through the background of the topic to study the problem and research significance,to determine the research case and research methods,arrange the technical route of the study;the second chapter is the research review which introduces studentification in the west systematically,and summarizes the research of domestic student geography;the third chapter analyzes the process of university suburbanization brought by the change of higher education in China after the review of the development of university and the change of relationship with the city as a starting point for the phenomenon of studentification in the suburbs.The fourth chapter takes Wangyue community for an example to analyze the studentification in the suburbs,depict its unique student house in multiple occupation,student street and other student material space and reveals the social space characteristics of the student community.The fifth chapter analyzes the effect and mechanism of the new studentification community in the suburbs by the Wangyue community.Through the study of the analysis of the impact of the phenomenon of studentification,the formation mechanism of the new studentification community,the contrast of studentification between China and western countries,and the reflection of studentification,this paper puts forward the future of the phenomenon of studentification.The sixth chapter is the summary of the research which summaries the research results,innovation points and shortcomings of this article honestly and discusses the future of studentification research prospects in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:suburb, studentification, new community, Zhejiang university, Hangzhou
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