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The Multifunctional Agricultural Park Planning Of Jinyue Village In Xiangyin

Posted on:2016-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the deepening of reform and opening up, Chinese economic is developing rapidly. The government has increased its efforts to support the agricultural construction, tourism and agriculture promote each other. Agricultural park development situation is very good. But the level of agricultural park planning is still in the primary stage in our country, so park planning can't take into account the needs of urban and rural development, and its planning is blind imitation, functional structure is single, has no characteristics at all. Therefore, these agricultural parks tend to focus on one or two functions, and neglect other functions. Led to the agricultural parks can't form a complete industrial chain system, Industrial development momentum, the overall effectiveness of the downturn eventually. But multifunctional agricultural park has multiple functions, it can fully satisfy the needs of production, ecology and life, and promote social economic development, improve the economic benefits of farmers. In this paper, through literature review, case analysis and case studies and other research methods to summarize the planning method of multifunctional agricultural park. The main results are as follows:(1) The results were obtained through survey the successful agricultural zones of Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong and other places. Comprehensive analysis is carried out from the aspects of overall planning, functional zoning, road planning, plant planning, water planning and infrastructure planning about the agricultural parks. Sum up the successes of the current agricultural park:planning layout based on the local terrain conditions and market demand, the function structure is rich, and mutual penetration between various functions, landscape diversity, different characteristics, focus on comprehensive development to improve the ecological, economic, social and cultural benefits of the park.(2) Based on the theory of landscape ecology, planning and design, the theory of agricultural multi-functional and sustainable development. This planning model is put forward in order to guide the planning mode of multifunctional agricultural park, which is based on the "agricultural production, agricultural production, agricultural tourism, agricultural leisure and agricultural culture" as the guide.(3) Put forward the principle of multi function agricultural park planning should follow the principle of local conditions, features prominent, people-oriented, the benefit of co-ordination. The whole plan is divided into agricultural production area, sightseeing area, leisure area, dining area and popular science education area according to the "four" planning model. The main points of land use, road, plant cultivation, water body and foundation facilities are described.(4) Apply the above method to practice, planning for multifunctional agriculture park of Jinyue village in Xiangyin. Carry out the overall framework of the agricultural park planning around the theme of the multifunctional Park, under the guidance of the "four rural" planning model. Multifunctional agricultural park planning should be based on the natural ecological resources and agriculture. The theme of agricultural multi functionality to meet the needs of urban and rural residents, to sum up the successful model and method of multi function agricultural park planning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jinyue village in Xiangyin, multifunctional agriculture park, park planning
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