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Application Research Of The Local Culture In Chengdu District Of Chunxi Commercial Street Public Art Landscape

Posted on:2017-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330512458349Subject:Landscape Architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
public art is the needs of the public with the economy development. Commercial street and public art of landscape design are essential part of the local cultural heritage and innovation in urgent need. In the homogenization of business competition, and explore the local culture and concise local culture has become a trend and direction of future commercial street public art development. From the perspective of urban local culture, thinking commercial street public art landscape shaping way to highlight the city's unique character and charm to build the interactive landscape space, it is a question worth considering current city commercial street landscape design.Through comprehensive literature and summarise to give the local cultural landscape factors of public art. On this basis, the research Chunxi Road shopping district local public art and cultural landscape factors, the use of SBE evaluation method developed questionnaires and data analysis, the evaluator focuses on the cultural landscape of public art in the aesthetic perception of the local characteristics of different local cultures the degree of landscape aesthetic factor on public art, landscape and local culture factors common outstanding public art come to the following conclusions:(1) the elements of public art in the local cultural landscape factors rich. They are: the scale and massing, artistic design, color, surrounding environment, participatory and experiential, themes and subject matter, material, spiritual.(2) different types of groups on Commercial Street public art aesthetic landscape consistent. Including professional and non-professional between evaluators, universal aesthetic consistency. Although there are some differences in aesthetic level evaluators, SBE values of the two groups of strong correlation, consistent aesthetic trends; and have not been visited Chunxi Road shopping district population there is a general aesthetic consistency, although evaluation whether there are differences by field experience,the values of the two groups associated SBE strong, consistent aesthetic trends.(3) evaluation of the different attributes crowd Commercial Street public art has no difference. There are differences in terms of public awareness of the arts, education, age, local cultural awareness, but the score of the sample did not affect public art.(4) There are no difference on the commercial street of different public art landscape of the public's expression. Although Chun Xi Road shopping district public artistic expression vectors diverse cognitive evaluator of their differences, but the correlation between the expression vector and public art SBE value between the weak and show different evaluators of public art is not aware of expression vectors presence very obvious preference.(5) the public perception of the different indigenous cultures express the content of the commercial street have differences. Moderate correlation between the expression of public art in the local culture and content between SBE value, indicating differences in the public expression of different local culture content perception. Chunxi Road shopping district public art. the public preferred the Chengdu Panda culture and public art culture to the other local culture.(6) public presence of different local cultural landscape Commercial Street factors certain preferences. According to the evaluator ratings, establishing commercial street public art local scenic beauty and cultural factors predictive equation:Y=-1.534+ 0.505X2. Among them, the impact of public art scenic beauty of the most significant factors is the landscape "art form." In addition, local cultural landscape factors influence degree views of Commercial Street public art, in descending order:Art Modeling> participatory and experiential> Color> themes and subjects> Surroundings> Materials> Scale and massing> spirit connotation.(7) Local cultural expressions of public art in the mall landscape are:specific visual art form, to meet the public participation and interactivity, color harmony with the surrounding environment, themes and subject matter in line with public preferences. On this basis, we put forward the local culture and into the commercial street landscape design of public use of the arts strategy:aesthetic common strategy to guide policy, mainstream strategy, innovative strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:local culture, Commercial Street, public art, Chunxi
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