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Design And Application Research Of Distribution Automation System In Bo Zhou Power Grid

Posted on:2017-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330488488066Subject:Electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2010, SGC has in many provincial capital and major cities has carried out many batches of distribution auto mation project construction, and obtained the periodic achievements. Bo Zhou power supply com pany is also actively developing distribution automation construction, and strive to grea ter contribution to the u rban power g rid construction.For the positive response to the national grid company bu ilding the strategic deployment of a strong sm art grid, Bo Zhou power suppl y company serious organizational learning, the construction of distribution autom ation engineering company ever experience, to continue to improve power supply reliability and the high quality service level as the goal, fully considering the present situation of ur ban distribution network, combined with the late development strategies, seize the opportunity, strive to make the construction of distribution automation to a new level, accord ing to the construction o f "big run" as an opportunity to step by step and in an orderl y fashion to carry out the construction of power distribution network management system.Taking Bo Zhou distribution network autom ation system as the background of construction and reform, and based on the syst em in the early period of the construction of data collection and f ield investigation, in combination with the pr actical situation of Bo Zhou electric power supply com pany distribution network, has carried on the overall design and research on construction system. Bo Zhou distribution network is firstly analyzed the status qu o and the existing bl ind the disadvantages of the distribution network, analyzes the Bo Zhou im portant significance to the constructi on of distribution network automation system, puts forward th e implementation of the necessity and feasibility of construction of distribution network autom ation system, and briefly introduces the developing situ ation of the distribution au tomation technology at hom e and abroad. Distribution network automation system in combination with SGC issued by construction specification requirem ents and m ust follow the principle of distribution network automation master station system was put forward design objectives, overall framework, and the distribution network automa tion system are introduced in detail the main functions and hardware and software configuration scheme. Next to the power distribution terminal construction principle an d the selection principles of construction scheme, communication system and network sche me in detail description, indicate the direction of the late project constructi on. Safety protection and power distribution automation system put forward the concre te construction schem e, integration of distribution network control results are summarized, the distribution network automation is summarized and prospect.In this paper, the research can provide Bo Zhou distribution network automation system construction technical guidance, has the practical application significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:BoZhou grid, Distribution automation system, Design, Application research
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