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Optimal Design Of Large Prestressed Concrete Tanks

Posted on:2017-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330482991184Subject:Architecture and civil engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, continued to accelerate the development of China's urbanization, rapid urban population growth, people's living standards have markedly improved, life and industrial water, agricultural water use are increased significantly. In order to reach the national standard domestic water, while protecting the environment, water resources, water pollution, so that industrial and sewage discharge standards. A large number of national water supply and drainage facilities have sprung up and rapid development, the structure of the pool as the most common treatment structures are widely used. However, the traditional structures of reinforced concrete pool there is uneven settlement, easy to produce cracks, structural durability and poor line many shortcomings, the advanced technology applied in prestressed pool design, pool design can not only overcome the traditional shortcomings and blind spots, It has obvious economic advantages.In this paper, combined with Huairou District Yang Song town water supply station New clean water tank project, mainly for large prestressed concrete basin optimal design of the study. Pool prestressed structures having impermeability, durability is good, the economy is good, strong applicability, fast construction period is short and other features.This paper outlines the traditional design of reinforced concrete rectangular pool, the traditional method is to place concrete roof and its pillars equivalent frame composed of internal force calculation of structural components bearing capacity checking also the need for crack width checking in most clear pool project in Beijing crack control requirements are by reinforcement. This paper introduces the use of finite element software MSC.Marc clear pool structural modeling of the whole process as a whole, including the choice of units, constitutive relation, the mechanical parameters of finite element model of the applied load and solving other content. Within the space finite element simulation software outside the soil, the water inside of outer space, under a grid of water three conditions loads, internal forces cleared the pool roof, wall, floor and other members in different parts of the analysis, to observe the maximum displacement, The maximum stress and crack development process. The study found that the results of the analysis with the traditional finite element simulation of a simplified structure according to the standard internal force is small compared to the results prove conservative traditional design methods, finite element analysis tools can make up for lack of pool structure calculations, and to supplement and correction.This paper describes the classification of prestressed technology, comparative analysis of bonded prestressed concrete technology and unbonded prestressed concrete technology features, select the unbonded prestressed concrete technology is applied in the design of the original pool of water, the use of MSC. Numerical simulation of finite element software Marc, take the most unfavorable internal force calculation results stress the role of the state under three conditions, detailing the configuration of prestressing strand for roof, wall, floor calculation. Establishment of clear water tank configuration prestressing steel model, with non-prestressed reinforced concrete clean water tank simulation Nei Lizhi contrast, in many ways the structure deformation, stress cracking of concrete, structural maximum displacement stress, data analysis proved advantageous unbonded prestressed concrete technology can significantly enhance the structure bearing capacity, slow crack development, extend the service life of the structure.This paper attempts to reduce the original design of the clean water tank sectional dimensions of each member, to optimize the design with unbonded prestressed concrete construction technology of the case, reflecting the economic structure from the pool of prestressed concrete and steel consumption. The results show that the use of prestressed technology to optimize the design of the pool structure and mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete basin structure is quite common, and can save nearly 38% of the amount of concrete, steel consumption savings of nearly 16%, can significantly reduce the project cost.In this paper, combined with engineering examples, summarized the reinforced concrete structural measures pond design and construction considerations, long construction principles set joints and disadvantages pool and on-site construction process requirements introduced unbonded prestressed and reinforced concrete Features explore more sophisticated construction methods, provide a reference for the actual project.Prestressed technology can solve the most direct tensile strength of steel can not be fully utilized problems, prestressed concrete technology in modern construction engineering is widely used in improving the quality of construction, life and minimizes the cost aspects are significant effects, to promote the prestressed concrete technology is imperative.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cleanwell, Unbonded prestressed concrete, Finite element, MSC.MARC
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