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Research On The Insulation Of Thepipeline In Cold Area Town

Posted on:2015-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330422491632Subject:Heating for the gas ventilation and air conditioning engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The village is located in the lower area of winter cold water temperature, depth of winter permafrost great pipeline depth is too shallow, the internal pipe prone to freezing, the depth is too large, the amount of the actual construction works great. How to ensure that does not happen in winter heaving water pipeline on the basis of reducing the depth of the economic and investment projects in the pipeline is a problem to be solved in this article. Aiming at the above problems, the analysis of the different factors that affect soil temperature field, applicable to the northern towns and villages to the water treatment process, put forward a reasonable Shallow pipe insulation solutions to meet the requirements of the northern towns water supply in winter.First, the towns and villages in cold regions to conduct field research, Daqing City Lindian the thermal conductivity of soil temperature and soil were measured to determine the amount of water towns studied in this article. By Lindian water pipe insulation survey found that there are many problems in winter frost heave cracking pipes, draw pipes in shallow parts of the city the way the way the pipe insulation made Shallow.Second, the establishment of the cold zone calculation equation pipeline buried in soil temperature field around, and discuss the case of different surface temperature and soil moisture, changes in soil temperature field. Influence of thermal conductivity and thermal insulation material layer thickness on the amount of heat pipe, which is both a great impact on the amount of heat pipe two. Inner tube temperature effects on the pipeline is also a great amount of heat, but in this article, the tube temperature is very low, less impact on the amount of heat pipes, the range, it is not in terms of insulation thickness analysis:first, by measuring the mechanical properties of insulation materials and insulation properties, determine the parameters of the insulation material. Pipeline depth and thermal conductivity of insulation materials a significant impact on the insulation layer thickness. As with the increase of the thermal conductivity of the material, the greater the required thickness of the insulation layer. Greater depth in the pipeline, the pipeline depth and pipe diameter greater impact on the insulation thickness. In determining the insulation thickness, from pipeline depth, insulation materials, pipe diameter, and many other considerations, to select the most appropriate insulation thickness.Finally, a water supply pipeline Lindian prototype, conduct heat pipe design. By calculating the depth of permafrost in this region, as well as the height of the water table, you can get buried deep pipeline. And through calculation and water pipes diameter of the insulation to get a viable solution. Shallow contrast calculation when the pipe insulation and add the following pipeline buried in the lands east line of the economic costs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pipe, Insulation, Depth
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