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The Research On Production Dynamics And Rational Allocation Of Water Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs

Posted on:2017-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2321330563450332Subject:Oil and gas engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Sulige area,the overall level of gas distribution and structure,West Sulige gas field is located in the lower position of the structure of gas field,near the boundary of gas reservoir,West and Tianhuan depression adjacent,belonging to the field of gas water transition zone.This area is relatively high block of Sulige gas field water,water characteristics,low yield wells in the proportion of more than half.Sulige West storage layer profile distribution characteristics for the reservoirs mainly water,less gas reservoir development;gas,water poor continuity was cross distribution of lenticular,no uniform gas water boundary;in the same storage set inside the unit,there is no obvious difference of gas water.In this paper,we focus on three blocks inclde Su 48,Su 47,Su 120,the analysis of the production characteristics as the research object.First by using the dynamic static method analysis of three gas block gas test condition,the gas well KH and Phi-SG and gas test gas production established a gas well producing water splitting.Secondly,the unstable output method were drawn I,II,III gas well dynamic lifecycle control reserves trend chart,used to correct the production time is shortness of breath and well dynamic reserves.Finally,a point method is used to calculate the flow rate of well gas production.Using dynamic optimal production distribution and indicating curve method,to West Sulige production water gas well reasonable proration of,the method with volume slightly higher than at the mouth of the critical liquid carrying flow rate,not only to avoid the excessive production pressure difference caused by low ultimate recovery,and charge distribution of volatile gas carrying liquid potential,reducing drainage gas production,reduce the production cost,improve economic efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water Splitting, Gas Well Productivity, Dynamic Reserve
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