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Research On The Design Of Men's Ornament

Posted on:2018-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L NiuFull Text:PDF
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Men's ornaments were playing an important role in Chinese history.Particularly,in the slave society and the feudal society,they were all indispensable.From Shenshi(ornaments that represent the God)to Quanshi(ornaments that represent the Power),ornaments are an important embodiment of the development of human civilization.With the development of society,men's ornaments have evolved into Minshi(ornaments that represent people).It is obvious that ornaments embody the progress of human society.Although,the ornaments disappeared in the history,most people are paying attention to them as they reemerged.How to enrich the men's ornaments is the main purpose for this article because men play an important role in society as they earn a lot of social wealth,leading the social process in economic,political,cultural and other aspects.This paper traces the origin of men's ornaments and development,analyzes their current situation,reviews how they developed,and compares different ornaments in the following aspects : the origin,shape,decoration and Esthetics.This article makes a detailed classification of the present men's ornaments according to different people at various ages.This paper makes a market survey and analysis on the present situation of the targeted customs and men's ornaments,and demonstrates the huge market potential of men's ornaments,and studies their development trend in order to explore the style and material,give the ornaments more meaning,show the personality and charm of men.Being bold in imagining new materials and new styles,the author expands and enriches the types of men's ornaments,promoting the development of market,meeting the needs of men's growing needs of life and inadequate development of aesthetic expression.How to design and explore the rich men's jewelry market,how should people care more about men,how could represent men's charm through the daily activities,and how to ease men's stress in the rapid development of the society,is the main purpose of this paper.This article discusses the design of men's ornaments in order to show men's self-confidence,enrich the spiritual world`s language of communication,satisfy of their pursuit and expression of the inner world,greatly enrich the design of men's ornaments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Male Jewelry, Design, classification, Development trend
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