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Redesign On Performance Assessment System Of County-level Safety Production Supervision

Posted on:2018-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2321330536485335Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The safety production has a direct bearing on the people's life and property and closely relates to the success of reform and overall social development and stability.Under the situation of market economy,it is very difficult to ensure a safe production through self-regulating of the market,thereby it needs relevant safety supervision departments to manage and supervise the safety production activities.Play the role of safety supervision by relevant governments not only contribute to the investigation and remediation of various types of potential accidents,reduce the probability of production safety accidents and protection of people's life and property,but also can help to promote the long-term and stable social and economic development and implement the “five-in-one” development concept relating to innovation,coordination,green,opening-up and sharing;For a long time,most of safety accidents occurred in the production entities at county,township and village levels.despite many policies relating to monitoring and supervision of safety production have been promulgated in recent years,their actual implementation has brought many problems,and these polices have been very difficult to be appropriately implemented by the grassroots departments;The fundamental reason for failure of implementation of these polices is that the grassroots government has been always using the GDP-orientation centric value as the guiding role;As an emerging issue,the safe production management work involves need of high professionalism and high risks as compared with that of other functional departments;some outstanding issues have emerged such as weak and inexperienced management and existing of many loopholes etc due to incomplete systems,low management level of supervisory personnel and unstable management team;the entire safety supervision departments at all levels have reached a consensus that the only solution to the issues now existing in the safety supervision system is to strengthen the safety production supervision performance assessment by the government.Therefore,tasks considered very important that need widespread concern include reconstruction of a safety production performance supervision and evaluation index system and strengthened measures for its effective and accurate implementation through scientific analysis of the current problems facing the safety production supervision index system,real and effective use of the performance evaluation as the guiding principle,recruiting more talents for operation and management relating to safety production supervision within a short time,improvement of work efficiency of the county-level government for safety production supervision and management,improvement of the awareness of relevant departments and township(sub-district)governments for their responsibilities in safe production monitoring and supervision and reaching the goal for safety production supervision at county level;This paper uses the cases of Xiangshan County as the subject for analysis and possibly accurate assessment on the achievements that this county has made on the safety production management through analysis of its history on the reform and development of the safety production supervision performance evaluation and its current evaluation system and give the opinion on the existing problems in a subjective manner;based on this analysis,this paper will optimize,improve and upgrade the current performance evaluation system for safety production,which may be practical and operable for safety production supervision departments both at township and county level to follow;this paper also covers the research on the supporting safeguarding system of this evaluation system for discussion and exploration for acquisition of the assessment data and the skills and techniques needed in the performance management as well as for the effectiveness,amendment and other issues relating to the index system for purpose of providing theoretical support and operable program for an effective performance assessment;This paper holds the point that the performance assessment of safety production supervision at county level is a dynamic process and is also a process of continuous innovation and gradual improvement in practice.Only through considering the actual situations of the county and the implementation particulars with continuous exploration and innovative spirit can we find and develop a performance assessment approach applicable to county-level safety production supervision department.
Keywords/Search Tags:County level, Safety production supervision, Performance assessment
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