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Study On Correlation Between Storage Environments And Flavor Shifting During Aging Of Two Sorts Of Puer Teas

Posted on:2017-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L GuanFull Text:PDF
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The flavor and tasteofpuer tea will get better with the extension of aging time on proper storage conditions. which creat a good investment field--- storage puer tea, And collection ofpuer tea has become an important industry nowadays. It was Reported that : “Puer Tea flavor change with aging time. There is significant correlation between flavor change and storage conditions such as the temperature and humidity; During the aging process, the volatile aroma components of puer tea will change dramaticly in the composition and proportion,as well as polyphenols, amino acids, tea pigment, biochemical index of water extract content, etc.which lead to different of the soup color formation, tea soup taste will become more sweet accompany with reduced of which bitter and astringency tea flavor changes rely much more on environment of aging !On two groups of green Puerh tea and Puer raw tea samples in Menghai, Dongguan and Kunming for three consecutive years of storage conversion tracking analysis through the study, the study of puer tea warehouse Chen of correlation in the process of flavor and biochemical quality and storage of climate and environment, to explore the green Puer tea and puer ripe tea Chen of transformation rules. Results show:1. Different aging area of tea kind of content to the local climate and humidity containing show that a certain correlation, comparison of storage in ambient air humidity, highest in Dongguan, Kunming is the lowest.While green Puer tea and tea is cooked tea kind of content and storage of consistent. Organoleptic evaluation from the point of view, Dongguan tea kind of conversion rate and degree is the heaviest; Kunming tea samples into the slow; the contrast between three years, each Chen area in average temperature and humidity is large, when the conversion rate of faster, suggesting thatpuer tea aged of rate and storage temperature and humidity of the environment, there was a significant positive correlation.2. Three different aging area green Puer tea contains ingredients, tea polyphenols, water extract, tea pigment, free amino acids, flavonoids, caffeine content overall have declined. Dongguan kind of speed decreased rapidly, Menghai like and Kunming kind between little difference, Kunming sample will be somewhat lower than that of Menghai, Dongguan like the aging speed although the fastest, but the flavor and quality of the tea on the evaluation factor did not showed the best.3. Menghai, Dongguan, Kunming aging environment green Puer tea and cooked tea aroma has different effect on forming, the tea sample of aroma were determined and compared. Results show, different aging area of Puer tea aroma group divided difference, different aging area tea samples of volatile components in alcohols, hydrocarbons, esters, acids, ketones, aldehydes and content and composition was significantly different. The results of sensory evaluation of tea samples showed that: the storage environment is relatively low temperature, low humidity storage conditions, the aroma of Puer tea is higher than the temperature, the humidity is better.4. From the results of the review of the Puer tea, due to storage conditions of temperature, humidity and other differences in larger, in three years of aging process, sensory differences between tea samples very obvious. Aroma, Kunming like more pure, Dongguan miscellaneous kind taste obviously, soup color, Dongguan like changing fastest and the third year to show a yellow color of tea, soup color in Kunming basic with the beginning of the experiment data to, soup color bias yellow green. The three area tea flavor removal rate of Dongguan> Menghai >Kunming.5. Puer tea in different aging area kept for three years, pie is a notable difference, cake thickness Dongguan > Menghai > Kunming, showed that temperature and humidity larger storage environment, the tea foaming rate faster. Simultaneous detection of the conversion of different storage biochemical components of tea, the transformation rate of tea water extract, p H value, free amino acids, flavonoids, caffeine and other content also Dongguan > Menghai > Kunming. That puer tea in temperature and high humidity environment in the storage, the conversion rate of tea sample is faster.6. Comprehensive analysis and comparison, from the green Puer tea and cooked in different storage transformation results, puer tea storage, rational acceleration of aging to enhance the efficiency and quality can be achieved. Under the effective supervising and control of warehouse temperature, humidity and other environmental factors and clearly establish tea aging process sensory and biochemical quality transformation and monitoring quality indicators, in order to realize the modernization of Puer tea Chen scientific system. Based on the influence of different aging areas, the storage of Puer tea is stored, which can achieve the best effect in a short period of time, and quickly increase the economic value of storage aging in the late stage of Puer tea.
Keywords/Search Tags:puer tea, aging condition, aroma, flavor quality
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