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The Preservation Of Covers And Envelopes Of Modules

Posted on:2019-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2310330542999770Subject:Basic mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this thesis,we talk about the preservation of covers and envelopes of modules.In section two,we focus on the following two problems:Under what conditions,the direct product of injective envelopes of modules is an injective envelope of the direct product of modules?Under what conditions,the direct sum of projective covers of modules is a projective cover of the direct sum of modules?The first question has been answered in some articles([5],[10]):?E(M_i)? E(?M_i)if and only if R is semi-artinian.We will give some equivalent characterizations for the second problem and prove:when one of these conditions is satisfied,?P(M_i)=P(?M_i).In the third section of this thesis,we focus on general covers,envelopes and general adjoint functors and consider:Given an adjoint pair(F.G),under what conditions,F would preserve general envelopes?And under what conditions,G would preserve general covers?We will give our answers to these questions.
Keywords/Search Tags:(pre)covers, (pre)envelopes, functors, adjoint pairs
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