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Physical Models For The Localized Resonant Emission Of Solitions

Posted on:2018-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H WangFull Text:PDF
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Solitons are one of the major nonlinear phenomena attracting lots of attention in nonlinear physics.Nowadays,theories on the existence and propagation of solitons and their properties of interactions seem quite mature,the study on how to create solitons is still incomplete,lack of the systematic understanding of internal mechanism of creation and formation.So far,there are few effective methods of solitons creation.A mentionable methods is the Boundary Drive Method that provided by Leon et al[1-3],the internal mechanism of this methods is that the evanescent wave drived by boundary drive generates a saddle-node bifurcation and emits solitons when.the drive intensity exceeds a threshold.Several years ago,our research laboratory provided a new methds of manageable soltion creation that based on the mechanism of local resonation.In this methods,an impurity in a semi-infinite ?-FPU chain is drived by simple harmonic drive to creat solitons,this methods has several advantages such as manageable,manageable,the needed drive amplitude is much smaller and so on.In that paper,theoretical analysis and numerical calculation have proved the methods' feasibility,but experimental verification was not proposed.To push the theory further forward to experiment,we proved a feasible physical model with simple structure.The model is consist of linear springs and coupling pendulums,and takes advantage of the geometrical nonlinearity to realise the nonlinear ?-FPU chain.The numerical investigations in our work have not only confirmed the feasibility of the scheme,but also study the special relationship between the duration of solintons' emission with the driving amplitude,frequency,and the damping on impurity union,that provid guidance to the following experiments.At the end,the thesis have compered some experimental results to numerical investigations to confirm the validity of our theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:soliton, ?-FPU chain, localized resonant
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