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Molecular Phylogeny Of Superfamily Of Bats (Mammal: Chiroptera)

Posted on:2018-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Chrioptera(bats)is the second largest order behind Rodentia in mammal,which have 21 families and more than 1200 species.Based on morphological data traditionally bats were divided into two subordinal groups,Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera.Megachiroptera includes Pteropodidae,which have big eyes and feed on fruit and nectar.Microchiroptera contains the remaining 20 bat families,and divides into four supfamilies,Rhinolophoidea,Noctilionoidea,Emballonuroidea and Vespertilionoidea.For the development of molecual phylogent,based on the sister relationship in phylogent tree bats werer divided into two infraoders Yinochioptera and Yangochiroptera.Yinochioptera includes Pteropodidae and Rhinolophoidea,and Yangochiroptera contians the remaining 3 superfamilies,Noctilionoidea,Emballonuroidea and Vespertilionoidea.However,there are differents opinions about the relationship to superfamilies of bats.With the rapid development of molecular phylogeny,this research prepares to used 95 NPCL and RNA-seq data to discuss this question.In 95 NPCL,Taphozous melanopogon was amplified 89 genes by PCR after assembling HiSeq data.To align sequences of Taphozous melanopogon and other species(include 6 bat species and 3 outgroup)from NCBI,73 NPCL genes(69000 bp)were retained for further analyses.ML and BI trees produced a same and well-supported phylogeny topology within bats.There are two subordinal groups,Yinochioptera(includes Pteropus vampyrus ? Megaderma lyra ? Rhinolophus ferrumequinum?Eidolon helvum)and Yangochiroptera(includes Myotis davidii?Myotis lucifugus?Pteronotus parnellii?Taphozous melanopogon).In Yangochiroptera,this study have a well-supported and different topology which Noctilionoidea is sister group of Emballonuroidea and Vespertilionoidea.In the order to verify the reliability of topology,there are three different topology((Noctilionoidea,(Emballonuroidea,Vespertilionoidea)),(Emballonuroidea,(Vespertilionoidea,Noctilionoidea))and(Vespertilionoidea,(Emballonuroidea,Noctilionoidea)))using CONSEL to calculate AU,BP and KP.The result showed topology which Vespertilionoidea is sister group of Emballonuroidea and Noctilionoidea(Eick et al.,2005;Meredith et al.,2011 and 2016;Amador et al.,2016)was refused.Therefore,73 NPCL can not find out the relationship of three superfamilies in Yangochiroptera.In RNA-seq data,to download data from NCBI(include 18 bat species and 3 outgroup)and analyse sequences,12659 genes were retained for further analyses.ML phylogenetic tree showed bats were divided into two subordinal groups,Yinochioptera and Yangochiroptera.A well-supportes Yinochioptera clade comprising Pteropodidae and Rhinolophoidea was sister to Yinochioptera clade inculed Noctilionoidea,Emballonuroidea and Vespertilionoidea.But compared with result of 73 NPCL data,RNA-seq data produced a poor-supported and different topology,which Emballonuroidea was sister to Vespertilionoidea and Noctilionoidea.So based on big data of RNA-seq(12659 genes,20270520 bp)still can not solve the problem.When we assembled the data,six species(Hipposideros pratti,Megaderma lyra,Murina leucogaster,Rhinolophus pusillus,Rousettus aegyptiacusz)from NCBI may be have problem.Moreover we adopted two traditional data filtering approaches to select genes,but the topology and boostrap supported were different whether based on genes with high taxa,removing poorly aligned genes,or combining two approach.In conclusion,this study made attempt to solve the relationship with superfamily of bats based on two big-data approaches NPCL and RNA-seq,but every methods produced unstable and incongruent results.Therefore,we still can not sovle this problem.But it provides the base for further analyses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chiroptera(bats), Superfamily, Phylogeny, Topology
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