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Mud Avalanche Valleys' Developing Features In South Liaoning Mountainous Area Based On DEM Method

Posted on:2017-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2310330488968766Subject:Physical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the hypsometric model's estabishing and space analysis technology's development,landscape research with quantification has became possible and methods are maturer than before.We can describe developing condition in micro or mineral stage by basic parometer as basin range,slope,direction of slope,fluctuation ratio,depth displacement,distraction and quantization of river's vertical profile.The method of Hypsometric integral is kind of water basin united by different basin based on erosion cycle proposed by Davis and ratio of volume before erosion compared with secondary basin and use its method to reveal stage of landscape developing,evaluate condition of interacting effect of structrual movement.Although the research of hypsometric integral method application has became maturer and maturer,but using this method to describe the relationship between geographical parometer and landscape deveoping progress to lithological coincidance,fracture belt for Hi dex from basin is still remain dissussed,.Laomao mountain is located in light hill area at south of Liaoning province.Influenced by downpour performed in south area of Liaoning province,slope crash,mudstream disater is distrubuted widely and the mountain body has been erosed intensly.In basin area of Lao mao mountain has small range,complex water system,mutiple lithology and many fissure belts,which provide condition for small basin research.Research of small basin area in Laomao mountain area can be deepen the recognization of structrual uplift stage in south Liaoning province and mudstream's movement feature.This research is aimed at finding gap relationship of developing area in certain valley in mudstream by distraction of landscape parometer and contrasting of hypsometric integral index.Combined with index of lithology,structure and downpour and comparatively consequense of previous research,we can conclude these consequence below by space analysis,layer composition and function fiting:Indexes of typical mudstream of Laomao mountain are ranged 0.4-0.6,which is in prime period.HI distribution based on lithological gap is performed as space composition of high-low index of mudstream valley.Hi index distribution based on structrual movement is distrubuted along the fracture belts.It has high Space relevance of Hi index analysed by GeodA,chich performed Hi index is composition by high-high,low-high in lithological distribution area.Influenced by fracture movement,HI index composition area is distributed in junction of fracture.The fitting function of condition in upstream of mudstream valley in Laomao mountain are induced as index and linear index.The valley is develping at young period.Expoent function,linear function represents young-prime period of developing which has high HI index,logarithm,power function represents geronitic period.These two index have both relevance and difference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lao mao mountain area, valley in mud-avanlanche, water basin
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