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On Strongly Quasi-regular P-groups

Posted on:2017-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C CaoFull Text:PDF
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Let G be a finite p-group and s be a positive integer. G is called ps-quasi-regular if ?ab?ps=1??? aPsbPs=1 for any a,b ?G. In particular, if s=1, G is called quasi-regular. G is called strongly quasi-regular if G is pt-quasi-regular for every positive integer t. In this paper, it is proved that quasi-regular p-groups whose nilpotent class is less than 4 are p2-quasi-regular. In addition, it is also proved that quasi-regular At?t? 3? groups, Ct?t?3?groups and metahamiltonian p-groups are strongly quasi-regular.
Keywords/Search Tags:quasi-regular, p~s-quasi-regular, strongly quasi-regular, minimal non p~k-quasi-regular
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