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Research On Credit Risk Management Of YC Bank Xinjiang Branch

Posted on:2017-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503459990Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
National strategic planning "The Belt and Road" on the function orientation of Xinjiang autonomous region is to play an important role in Xinjiang West open window and unique geographical advantages, the formation of the Silk Road Economic Zone on the cultural science and technology, logistics and transportation hub, will be playing in Xinjiang with the core area of the Silk Road economy the Xinjiang autonomous region. In the planning play a bridgehead role, connecting Europe, Central Asia, to undertake domestic, the stability of the financial environment is directly related to the successful implementation of the plan. "The Belt and Road" banking grid in transportation, energy, tourism and cultural fields to bring more opportunities for cooperation, Xinjiang branch of YC bank to bear When the social responsibility of the country in the west of the infrastructure construction and other areas to give priority attention to provide strong financial support, and put a lot of credit resources.In recent years, the rapid development of the Xinjiang branch of the Bank of YC,gradually expand the scale of credit business. However, was established as a near commercial bank, the credit risk management level compared to other domestic banks are still in a backward state, 2015, small enterprise loan asset quality is the annual deteriorated significantly. Small business loans overdue rate by year of 0.92% rise to2.76%, non-performing rate from 0.72% up to 1.43%, credit card non-performing rate of 1.73%, relatively on year rise 0.23 percent. Credit risk of continued exposure. In view of YC Xinjiang branch of the bank in the national strategy and autonomous region by economic development. The importance of credit risk management is particularly important.First of all, this paper in the introduction of the research background, research goal and the significance as well as the domestic and foreign research dynamic areintroduced; secondly, related theories of credit risk management of commercial banks,the characteristics and experience of the status quo of credit risk management of commercial banks in China and American Commercial Bank credit risk management are introduced, then on YC Xinjiang branch of the bank credit risk status and management mode are introduced. Finally, we use historical data and the Credit Metrics Model of YC Xinjiang branch of the bank credit risk level evaluation, and with the foreign banks in the advanced technology and experience of compares YC bank in credit risk Management is proposed in this paper. Suggestions and Countermeasures to perfect the YC Xinjiang branch of the bank credit risk management. The countermeasures and suggestions of the implementation is conducive not only to improve the risk management level of YC bank credit, but also conducive to the realization of the sustained and healthy development of the YC Xinjiang branch of the bank.
Keywords/Search Tags:YC, bank Xinjiang branc, credit risk, credit risk management, Credit Metrics
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