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The Risk Of Local Government Financing Platform And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2017-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330488960144Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The risk prevention of local government financing platform has been concerned by scholars from all walks of life for a long time, but the debt of local government, especially the local government at the county level, has been lack of proper attention and research. In 2008 the 4 trillion stimulus and in recent years, urban construction funds demand great background, the rapid expansion of the scale of local government debt, speed is very breathtaking, and the resulting difficulties urgent essay, how to under the new situation were system reform and open up new financing channels to become the local governments, especially county government fiscal revenue stretched solutions to meet the urgent needs of the important topic.This paper based on the theory of risk society theory, the new public management theory, modern portfolio theory system study, determine the research ideas and research methods, in a large number of Chinese and foreign books and core journals were consulted and browse the large number of government website information based on, scientifically set the essence of local government financing platform, expounds the developing process and risk situation of China’s local government financing platforms. Based, in t County as a model, through the collection of Finance and audit data, and the relevant government departments responsible for conversation, in-depth commercial bank risk management departments to understand the risk prevention mechanism, to obtain the first-hand data and information, on the basis of combs, proposed with emphasis fiscal and financial risks caused by the local government financing platform, and in-depth analysis of risk response. Under the current laws and regulations and the central policy guidance, from the bottom of the bond, PPP mode, the financial system reform, to strengthen the supervision of local government financing platform for the four aspects of the proposed measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financing platform, Risk, Local Government
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