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The US-led TPP Negotiations And Its Influence On China’s Economy

Posted on:2017-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482993708Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Trans-pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP) was initially established by Singapore, New Zealand, Chile and Brunei in 2005.In 2009,the United States joined and led the negotiations.Through five years of hard negotiations, it finally reached an agreement on October 5, 2015. The United States led TPP negotiations aimed at establishing a oriented 21 st century, high standard and high quality free trade agreement, and in order to eliminate the Asia Pacific region many regional economic cooperation mechanism caused by the spaghetti bowl phenomenon, reshaping the Asia Pacific Economic Order. Leading TPP negotiations means a significant adjustment of the U.S. strategic direction, that through the TPP to return to Asia, to curb the rise of China.Although the 12 member countries have reached an agreement, but because of the large difference of member countries in the level of economic development and the national conditions are complex, the specific entry into force still faces many challenges, TPP future still have a lot of uncertainty.With the enhancement of the comprehensive national strength and the promotion of the international status, China’s influence in the Asia Pacific affairs is growing. The Asia Pacific regional economic cooperation China led is in full swing, also in the United States and the like a raging fire, and it jointly promote and compete with the US led TPP. At present, China’s accession to the TPP may do more harm than good, but in the long term, the high quality of TPP will benefit the Chinese economy, so it does not rule out the possibility of joining. Faced with the impact of TPP, China should comprehensively analyze the advantages and disadvantages, and develop appropriate strategies. These strategies include: in internal, China should implementation the economic system reform, adjust the industrial layout, optimize the industrial structure, speed up to advance the upgrading of the enterprise; in external, take practical measures to consolidate the existing cooperation mechanism, strengthen dialogue and communication, and actively promote China’s ongoing bilateral and multilateral cooperation, to do everything possible to reduce the negative impact of TPP.This paper first reviews the process and characteristics of TPP. Through the analysis the high standard protocol content of TPP, this paper try to understand the strategic intent of the United States to led the TPP negotiations. Second, through the analysis of the prospects and challenges of the U.S.-led TPP negotiations may be faced to forecast the prospect of its effective.Finally, according to whether China is considering to join the TPP, analysis of the influence of TPP on China, and give some internal and external policy recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:TPP, the United States, China
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