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Research On Brand Premium Of Electronic Products In China

Posted on:2017-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D F XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482988566Subject:International business
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Brand premium is defined as: the added value of the brand, a homogeneous product due to the difference of the brand can be sold at a higher price. According to David Egg’s theory of brand equity, brand equity includes brand awareness, quality recognition, brand association, brand loyalty and brand equity. Brand premium ability is not included in the brand, the reason can become assets(some companies to brand assets included in the asset liability table) is nothing more than because of the brand to support enterprise profit and brand premium is enterprises to obtain higher priced, higher profit rate and gain a powerful weapon, so the brand premium ability should be included in the brand equity. Brand equity in the well-known, quality recognition, brand association and other indicators ultimately enhance the loyalty and premium through the ability to make the brand with profitability.China to go is to cheap labor as the main competitive strength of the high market competition mode. However, with the gradual rise of labor costs in China, China’s labor-intensive industries will face a cost increase, high cost products can not make up for the cost of their own problems. But arbitrarily raise prices will have a monopoly position with the international business direct competition. Under the severe competition environment, this paper is taking the road of internationalization of the electronic products industry leading enterprises(Huawei, Lenovo, millet, etc.) as an example. Analysis influencing factors of premium brands; brand premium research oriented mechanism and explore our country electronic products related enterprises under the background of rising labor costs, to achieve the necessity and inevitability of premium brand and is facing various problems and solving measures.Based on the collected data, this paper analyzes and compares the business strategies of several famous electronic products enterprises, such as Lenovo and HUAWEI, in brand premium. Concluded that Huawei and some electronic products in emerging enterprises in terms of premium brand business strategy more in line with China’s national conditions and on China’s current are still a lot of implementing enterprise price war with inspiration and universal significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:China’s national conditions, business strategy, brand premium
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