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A Study Of The Customer Value Management Of The Western Rural Financial Institutions

Posted on:2016-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TanFull Text:PDF
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This paper tries to explore how the rural financial institutions manage customer value in the situation of urbanization, population aging and the new change of the financial industry, on the basis of case study of "customer value" for the enterprises. The research methods include factor analysis, cluster analysis. The main research content can be outlined as follows:①Customer value management to CQYZ is quite necessary. The series of social changes, such as urbanization, rural hollowing out; the new changes of the financial sector, such as interest rate marketization, Internet finance, deposit insurance system; the rapid economic growth changing into medium economic growth in the macro economy environment; the optimizing and improving economy structure; the new regularity that the economy growth ways changing form factors-driven economic growth and investment-driven economic growth into innovation-driven economic growth; all of these factors requires the economic subjects to manage the customer value. For the third industry such as the financial sector, value management should abandon the price competition and the product competition at first, and then transform into customer value competition on the basis of product. For CQYZ, the typical representation of rural financial institutions, besides the above mentioned external environment factors, its own customer resources endowment and its present customer management situation are also the reasons why CQYZ needs to manage customer value.②In order to evaluate the performance of CQYZ’s customer value management, this paper chooses two key indexes as evaluation standards, on the basis of some other scholars’ researches; and then, makes a comparative analysis between CQYZ and its main rival CRC under the same standards.③According to the above analysis, this paper makes factor analysis and cluster analysis by 50000 stratified sampling customers. The factors influencing customer value are found by factor analysis, which makes good foundation for the specific measures and recommendations. The natural classification of the current state of the CQYZ is concluded by clustering analysis, the features of which make good basis for the meaningful recommendations.Based on the above research, the conclusion of this paper is as follows:①Under the clamp force of the rural hollowing out, interest rate marketization and Internet financial, the advantages of financial institutions’ traditional network will be weaker and weaker. Price competition and channel competition will transform into customer value competition.②By cases study, this paper finds that the number of CQYZ’s customer is large, but per capita contribution is little and the customer loyalty is low. Therefore, there is large space for customer value management. Meanwhile, CQYZ owns a lot of other resources, which can be integrated to serve business.③Based on the analysis of the cases, CQYZ, the typical representation of the rural financial institutions, can take the differentiation-focus strategy. It can focus on serving the high valued customers. At the same time, it can provide services for small and medium-sized customers, under the guidance of inclusive finance ideologies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer value, Rural financial institutions, Interest rate marketization, Internet financial
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