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The Mass Line And Inspirations In Modern Enterprise Management

Posted on:2016-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479982813Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China Communist Party was able to put people in his leadership of the national unity under the banner of the new democratic revolution period, to complete the task, and finally the establishment of the people’s Republic of China, the biggest reason is that our party’s "Family heirloom"-- the mass line. The mass line of the party is to Mao Zedong as the representative of the Communist Party of Chinese, the methods of leadership and work with the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge on the unity of the party’s basic line of work. Take the mass line is the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious society in the new period, it has a direct impact on the leadership of the Communist Party of China people’s progress and development of fate.This paper is from "the formation and development of Mao Zedong’s concept of the masses" and "the party’s mass line" in detail, can be important to deeply realize the mass line in party work in the process of. Based on the mass line of research, to explore its use in the course of modern enterprise management and its enlightenment. In the modern enterprise management, the mass line thought derived from the many specific methods and principles, and formed a set of their own to follow the mass line theory of enterprise management system, such as: the masses investigation, be good at learning from the masses; for the interests of the masses, the material and spiritual benefits of combining; strengthen enterprise system innovation; establishing the broadest united front, unite all forces that can be united; correctly handle the relationship between enterprises and employees, pay attention to employee benefits from strategic thinking; Mao Zedong’s participation of employees, customer participation in decision making of modern enterprise development. We will use this theory to the enterprise management, and carry out the mass line of this thought, the mass line determines the masses of the people are the masters of the country, but also determines the staff is the owner of the enterprise and the staff, as a business owner can better promote the formation of a strong cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise. Therefore, we learn the advanced management theory to the west, we must first use the excellent thoughts of our own country, mining and the use of good, the combination of the two techniques, the formation of the modern enterprise management theory, and promote the healthy and rapid development of enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mass viewpoint, Mass line, Modern enterprise management, Revelation
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