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The Research Of New Urbanization In Yanji City

Posted on:2016-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y QuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330470968483Subject:China 's minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
New urbanization is an inevitable trend of social economic develo pment, it is the key measures to expand domestic demand and change the mode of economic development in the next period of time. Since the r eform and opening up, the process of urbanization in China has entere d an important stage of rapid development, and it will continue to ad vance, countries will be the new urbanization as the primary strategy decision for the arrangement deployment for a period in the future. In the processing of urbanization, it causes a series of factors that is not conductive to the healthy development, such as forced relocat ion, environmental pollution and ill management, which ignores the so cial problems of people’s livelihood and environmental protection. A t present, Yanji city was selected as the comprehensive pilot area of National new urbanization. Under such background and situation, lear n from foreign experience of Urbanization. Based on the actual constr uction of the development of Yanji City, and explore the advance of n ew urbanization strategy has positive significance.Firstly, this text explores the connotation of new Urbanization, summarizes the relevant theories of Urbanization, analyzes the relati onship between the new Urbanization and basic industries, points out that the new urbanization is people-oriented, guidance to scientific outlook on development, achieving urban and rural areas, intensive de velopment and sustainable development. For example, Yanji city, traci ng the development of Urbanization process, according to the current status of the development of Yanji city, and analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenge of promoting the new Urba nization in Yanji city. The thesis points out, at present, the nation al and provincial situation is conductive to promoting the new Urbani zation of Yanji city, making good use of existing Urbanization and go od geographical advantages, developing the regional economy vigorousl y. Afterwards, the thesis carries out a special investigation about t he problems of the citizenization of peasants in the process of the n ew Urbanization, analyzing the existing problems in the process of Ur banization, and giving targeted advice in order to promote residentia lization and lay the foundations for new Urbanization next work smoot hly. At last, summarizing.the new Urbanization experience of Yanji ci ty, putting forward concrete strategies for promoting the new Urbaniz ation.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Urbanization, Yanji, Citizenization
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