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Mid-scale Hotel Strategic Positioning Research In China

Posted on:2016-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330470476488Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With sustained downturn in recent years, the international and domestic economic situation and the influence of national policy changes,Domestic high star hotel market has started to shrink. In the meantime, nearly a decade of rapid development, the development of the domestic budget hotels boom is clearly slowing. As land rent and rising labor costs, the development of the budget hotels had be restricted. Affected by the many hotel groups had focus on mid-scale hotel market, had or plan to launch a mid-scale hotel brands, all for market layout. On the demand side, with the increase of national income, Improve consumer tastes and consumption become more rational, spawned the growing demand for mid-scale hotel. However, in China’s burgeoning mid-scale hotel location problem is rare scholars involved. This research aims at in the perspective of customer perceived value, mid-scale hotel strategic location problem, apply it to the hotel management practice, for mid-scale hotel strategic location provides the guidance of the theory and practice.This study using literature analysis, case analysis and questionnaire survey. In reference on the basis of predecessors’ research results, based on customer perceived value, study of mid-scale hotel strategic location problem, summary and development. Through theoretical analysis, strategic positioning basis points based on customer perceived value is the inevitability, put forward the theoretical model, And on this basis, case analysis and questionnaire survey. Making the study is applied to the middle-grade hotel strategic location problem, provide a reference basis and theoretical support.The concrete research content consists of the following five chapters: The first chapter is introduction, mainly elaborated the research background, research purpose and research significance, research contents and research methods, research ideas and research framework and innovation points. The second chapter mainly summarized the theory related to this study, including strategic management theory, strategic positioning theory, the theory of customer perceived value and mid-scale hotel concept. In strategic positioning theory review part emphatically analyses the internal unity of every strategic positioning theory basis. For subsequent case analysis and questionnaire laid the foundation for empirical analysis. The third chapter mid-scale hotel in our country development present situation analysis, chose a representative of the three domestic mid-scale hotel brand company, To analyze the history and current situation of its development, and the advantages of various enterprises and core competencies. The empirical study was conducted in the fourth chapter, from the market of both ends to explore our country composition of mid-scale hotel guests’ perceptive value dimension. The fifth chapter combined with previous studies, this paper puts forward problems and the development Suggestions of mid-scale hotel development in China. The sixth chapter research conclusion and prospect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strategy, strategic positioning, mid-scale hotels, customer perceived value
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