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The Feasibility Study Of The NN Real Estate Project

Posted on:2016-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JiangFull Text:PDF
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Feasibility study is the key part before the project carried out. It guides the work principle of the whole project, including the market, engineering, natural,finance,risk, etc.The feasibility study is the reference guide for the implementation of the project, and provides the direction for the enterprise implementation strategy,also can prevent certain risk, improve the operating environment of the project, is the key to project success. The feasibility study of real estate projects is an important work of the investment decision-making stage of the real estate enterprise. It is the scientific method that guarantees the real estate construction project with the minimum cost in exchange for the best economic benefits, the feasibility study of real estate enterprises have practical significance. The object of this paper is the NN real estate project, and the real estate project has some special features, its operation is restricted and influenced by many aspects,From 1980 began high-speed operation of the real estate industry to the sub-prime crisis in the economic downturn, The pillar industries in model transformation actively explore a better model of development, many scholars and industry personnel is also committed to the exploration. The feasibility study of real estate is based on market supply and demand for resources, by means of scientific methods, the series of evaluation index as a result, it is a scientific analysis method to determine It decides whether the project should be invested or not, and with the minimum input for maximum output.It is a provide scientific basis for project development decision-making.This paper hopes to make the project to be successful through the feasibility study.The first chapter of this paper points out background, research status, research methods and significance of the feasibility study of NN real estate project; the second chapter puts forward the theory of the feasibility study of NN real estate project, including feasibility study theory, project financing theory, risk management theory; the third chapter analyzes cultural tourism market and the conditions of the construction of NN real estate project;the third chapter analyzes the scheme of project financing, financial risk management; the fourth chapter analyzes risk management of the project, and concluded the project operating cost, income and risk management.The fifth chapter carries on the comprehensive evaluation to the whole project, draws the conclusion of the project feasibility and points out thesignificance of this research, and puts forward the relevant management suggestion for the same industry to carry out the project.
Keywords/Search Tags:The feasibility study, The real estate industry, Model transformation
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