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Research On Marketing Strategy Of Universal Movie Theme Park In Changchun Film Group

Posted on:2016-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid growth of Chinese per capita income, the continued expand oftourist market, the experience economy gradually carried out, the tourist’s demand forthe movie theme park is more exuberant, movie theme park is home quietly risingas a movie derivatives. The Changchun Film Group brought forward the developmentdirection of expanding film derivatives business, under the "two wheels driven"which push in film creation and film industry. Movie theme park is an important filmderivatives business. At present, Changchun Film Group movie theme park businessis from the first generation of products which is Changchun Movie Century Cityupgrade to the second generation of products. Because of the fuzzy, weakened marketcompetitive advantage market business volume and the theme park location problem,Changchun Film Group needs focus on the development of Universal movie themepark project which is the second generation of products by the opportunity of crossregional development, relying on the existing management advantages, andintegration of multiple resources.Universal movie theme park is a world-class movie industry cluster project inorder to break the current movie theme park business difficulties, carry forward theChangchun Film Group brand, and achieve cross regional development in HainanProvince. Developed through system analysis of marketing environment, scientificmarketing positioning analysis and a complete marketing strategy, we can effectivelyimprove the space market value of the project, and has important practical value forenterprises. Through anglicizing the environment of Changchun Film Group universal movietheme park, the park should rely on national policy and the residents of theexperiential tourism project demand, integrate the advantages of Changchun FilmGroup, excavate the potential selling point of the park. The park should enhance themarket value of the project space through a number of marketing strategies. Throughthe analysis on the tourist market, the paper tease out the trend of contemporarydemands of tourists, bring forward the target group that seek mental involvement andemotional resonance depth experience. Aiming at this target group, Changchun FilmGroup universal movie theme park should be based on the successful experience ofChangchun Film Group Century City project, to the depth of film culture experienceas the theme, through the use of high-tech special effects technology, based on thedomestic and foreign outstanding movie work material, by means of continuousinnovation park project to create fresh, for tourists to dream, the depth of interactionof film the cultural experience.In the marketing strategy, in order to realize the market positioning of theChangchun Film Group universal movie theme park, the products can meet the depthof the film culture in the target group experience demand. The project can usehigh-tech special effects film technology show different dream experience for touristsin the products, and adopt innovative interactive media technology provides real timeinteractive participation Studio Entertainment Platform, using of high technology thefilm entertainment technology development of a number of recreational projects. Interms of price, the project needs to use the package mode, according to differentlevels and time fare concessions. In the promotion aspect, the project can use massmedia based, supplemented by niche media, and events affect the way to carry on themarketing promotion. In the channel, channel mode of combination of the project canuse sales agents and direct sales of products combining. In order to guarantee the smooth implementation of the movie theme park marketing strategy, should alsoprovide a series of security measures from the human resources, management system,technology and capital etc..
Keywords/Search Tags:Changchun Film Group, Universal Movie Theme Park, Marketing Strategy, SWOT Analysis
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