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Research On High-tech Enterprises Tax Planning

Posted on:2016-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H JiangFull Text:PDF
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With the accelerating economic globalization process in China, market competitionamong enterprises becomes more intense. The development of the high-tech industry becamean important strategic initiative in China to promote economic growth. In order to encouragebusinesses to developing new technology and innovation, the China government hasformulated a series of preferential tax policies, which create favorable legal environment forthe development of high-tech enterprise. The high-tech enterprises should fully understand thecontent of policies and use the opportunity to develop, emphasis on tax planning work as wellas scientific and reasonable tax planning, which is very important to enhance their competitiveadvantage and promote the development of the industry. Based on the characteristics ofhigh-tech enterprise and the current tax regulations, the practical problems in BJGX companymanagement were analyzed specifically, tax planning in agreed with the development oflong-term stability of BJGX company was proposed, then the problems in BJGX company taxplanning work were pointed out in the thesis. It is not only reduces tax costs of BJGXcompany, but also conducive to promoting the development of long-term stability of thecompany.The research object of this thesis is high-tech enterprise. Comparative analysis,quantitative analysis, and qualitative analysis methods were used to study high-techenterprises tax plan, which all included theoretical and case studies.First, the researchbackground, significance and status of high-tech enterprise’ tax planning werereviewed.Secondly, the related theory of high-tech enterprise tax planning was described in thethesis. The definition and characteristics of high-tech enterprises were explained, and themeaning of tax planning, procedures and methods were described systematically, then basedon the characteristics and tax incentives of high-tech enterprise, specific planning strategieswere proposed. Thirdly, a case study of BJGX company was used in this thesis. The basicsituation of the company was introduced, the financial and tax situation was further analyzed,and the company’s tax administration imperfections were summarized. Considering of thecompany’s actual conditions and integrated application of tax planning methods, a tax planningoptimization method in agreed with company’s strategic objectives was proposed. Finally, thespecific control and preventive measures for potential risk factors exist in implementation of the program were proposed, and some of the problems in the company tax planning processwere pointed out to ensure the successful implementation of the company’s tax planning work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hi-tech enterprises, Tax risk, Tax planning
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