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The Comparison Studies Of The Small Micro-credit Between Bank Mode And Ali Mode

Posted on:2015-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Small and micro enterprises is an important foundation for China’s economic andsocial development, in improving China’s industrial structure, resolve personnelemployment, urbanization and construction plays an important role. However, due tothe impact of small and micro enterprises own shortcomings and macroeconomicpolicy, the development of small and micro enterprises are facing many problems,including difficulties in financing is the most important aspect. In this paper, thetraditional pattern of small micro-credit bank credit loan with Ali small differences inthe performance of e-business models exist comparative analysis of deficiencies andlimitations of traditional bank to crack the small and micro-credit model, drawing oninnovations Ali, a small loan to build a new model the bank small and micro-creditmodel.Firstly, to clarify the background and significance of the study, a review of therelevant literature, summarizes the current research. Then, the introduction of smalland micro-enterprise credit business development. Based on the definition of smalland micro enterprises on small and micro enterprises to clarify a small scale, poorability to resist risks, information transparency is low, the lack of effective mortgageguarantees and imperfect features and institutions, followed by credit to small andmicro enterprises to define and analysis, small micro-credit has a "short","small","frequency","anxious" features. On this basis, explores the constraints of small andmicro enterprises development of small and micro credit business four main reasons:information asymmetry, small and micro enterprises limited management capacity,financial system is not perfect, credit awareness weak. Then, on the banks of smallmicro-model overview, Construction Bank and Bank of China’s "credit factory"model, business loans through Minsheng Bank "product push" mode, the ChinaMerchants Bank’s "retail-oriented" mode, Zhejiang Tyrone Bank’s "geopolitical credit"mode analysis, pointing out that small and micro-credit model bank main problems:management mechanisms are inadequate loan pricing, risk warning and informationfeedback mechanism is not perfect, lack of small micro-financial products andservices innovation, risk management, lack of effective means of identificationmeasures. By studying the development status of small loans Ali, Ali obtained smallloans mode there is continuous with client resources to master customer credit status,volume of loans and other innovations to reduce costs and advantages, and pointedout a small loan mode Ali existence of market positioning is not universal resistance,the limited size of funds and other issues. Bank of small and micro-credit modelanalysis and comparison Ali small loan credit model. From the operational mode, thecredit risk control modes for both credit analysis and comparison, in terms of businessoperations of commercial banks to set up small and medium-small micro-credit and micro enterprises department-based, while Ali small loans through two microfinancecompanies conduct; in control of credit analysis, comparative analysis of the two infront of the loan, the loan, the control mode and after loan risk management methods.Small and micro credit to commercial banks risk analysis and the risk of the causes ofsmall and micro credit business, on the basis of micro-credit to commercial banks tosmall business loan risk control made before, loan, the specific program control afterthe loan; again for business Bank credit professional team building small and microenterprises to analyze, make recommendations on commercial bank specializing insmall and micro credit business team building personnel selection methods fromseveral aspects, training methods, a good incentive and restraint mechanisms.Article has some innovation in small and micro credit commercial banks elaboratemodel of development and comparative analysis of small micro-credit banking modeland Ali mode, to build a new small micro-credit banks and other aspects of businessdevelopment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bank, Small Micro-credit, Ali loan
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