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Study On The Property Income Effect Of China’s Current Rural Land Transfer

Posted on:2016-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467983347Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is focused on discovering the influence of the actual operation of rural landtransfer on the property income by studying the relationship between the rural land transferand the farmers’ property income in order to enhance the farmers’ property income.Theoretical preparations have been made in virtue of the knowledge learnt and by collectingconsiderable documents; moreover, the staffs of the relevant government organs, scholars andfarmers with certain degree of education were discussed on site. The solutions against theseproblems were finally found by combining theory and practice and focusing on theimplementation of land transfer policies. The farmers’ living standard is enhanced byimplementing rural land transfer policies in a transferred way. The rural land transfer plays avital role in optimizing the land resources allocation, realizing the scale operation anddevelopment of agriculture, promoting the transfer of rural labor force, promoting theimplementation of rural land transfer policies, accelerating the increase of farmers’ propertyincome and finally realizing the modernization of agriculture, farmer and rural area. Thereform of rural land transfer shall be developed among the rural mass that are made to enjoythe benefits brought by the transfer such as the increase of the property income.Constrained by many factors, the difficulty coefficient of land transfer is large duringland transfer and relevant policies shall be established according to the actual condition ofnational economical and social development to keep land transfer healthy, ordered and legalin order to realize the modernization of agriculture, farmer and rural area by adopting farmers’suggestions, worrying about farmers’ concern and improving farmers’ anxiousnessadditionally. By enlarging the reform of land transfer, the mass can share property incomeincrease brought by transferred land. In China, the policies about land transfer are explored,adjusted and reformed positively to reach land resource profit maximization gradually alongwith the improvement of land transfer policies and the development of large-scale, intensiveland production and management. In this paper, the promotion of researched points, analysis and the establishment ofobjectives and contents are based on principle of equality, Landtax Theory of Marx andintegration of urban-rural economic and social development to explain rationale and practicalsignificance related with national rural land transfer in detail. By describing the demand forland at the aspect of urbanization development, farmers’ income increase and rural stability,the significance for land transfer can be focused. However, some famers will lose landmanagement rights definitely after land transfer reaches large scale management and thedevelopment of urbanization can provide employment opportunity for rural surplus laborforce of the farmers with new identities after settled down in cities, who should be guaranteedto merge into cities by government with great efforts. Meanwhile the rest farmers in ruralareas shall be guaranteed to live and work in peace and contentment by protecting their profitsbased on the respect for rules of land transfer.By comparing and analyzing current conditions of property income for national andinternational land transfer in rural areas, the international land transfer method to improvefamers’ property income can be concluded and the positive, negative effect of rural propertyincome at the aspect of national land transfer are explained. If the total income of farmers canbe improved by increasing property income, the speed for land transfer shall be acceleratedand the land use right shall be vitalized. Generally, the reasons for negative effect of propertyincome for national rural land transfer are dependence of farmers on land security function,the severe lack for rural land use right system and the livelihood of farmers after land transfer.The dilemma for land transfer should be improved by adjusting rural economicalstructure positively, enhancing the economical profits of land resources, mobilizing farmers’enthusiasm as much as possible, improving the land transfer mode creatively, increasingfarmers’ property income from many aspects, assisting farmers to realize the necessity forrural land transfer as land flow, promoting effective policy suggestions for property income ofrural land transfer and controlling land transfer system in order to enhance farmers’enthusiasm for land transfer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land Transfer, Property Income, Income Effect
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