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Research On Construction And Management Of Security Housing In Shenyang

Posted on:2014-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467975897Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Housing as the survival and development of human’s basic need, has been the national important issue of people’s livelihood. In today’s society, the housing problem has not only the economic aspects of the problem, the problem in modern society has become a common social problem. For affordable housing construction and development, but also related to the beneficial to the people’s livelihood and the common aspiration of the people. Social security system is indispensable to form one of housing security, it not only in promoting social stability plays an important role, but also promote the social income redistribution of important means. Establish and improve the affordable housing of various aspects of the system and policies, to promote the harmonious development of the society plays a vital role in. In order to fully reflect the social fairness and justice, people-oriented fundamental ideas, establish and perfect led by the government, citizen participation in scientific, efficient housing security system. Shenyang city has made active exploration, and has formed the good housing development trend. But due to lack of practical experience, for the affordable housing system implementation still exist a lot of negligence, cause housing security implementation process has many disadvantages. How to establish suitable for Shenyang city housing development and management system, has become an urgent problem to be solved.This paper mainly around Shenyang city security housing development and management, from the theory and practice of analysis and research. The full text mainly includes the following contents:first introduced affordable housing related theory, mainly from the origin and change of meaning and classification, and the implementation of housing security and other aspects of meaning; affordable housing in China and abroad analyzed the current development situation, the analysis mainly from the affordable housing construction and management from two aspects, put forward is worth to draw lessons from the development experience. And then on the Shenyang city affordable housing development present situation carries on the analysis, the analysis includes the Shenyang city housing security groups range and characteristic, affordable housing construction present situation, distribution status, management present situation four aspects, the combination of domestic and foreign housing security work on the development of practical experience, put forward Shenyang City housing security system in the construction, development distribution, management of three aspects of the existing problems, analyze the reasons for the problems. Finally, the combination of Shenyang’s economic and social development of the actual situation, the development of Shenyang city affordable housing development programme of the guiding ideology, put forward our implementation of housing security system followed by the specific principles, clear the city housing security system implementation to achieve the overall goals and specific objectives, In accordance with the affordable housing development and management of the working train of thought were developed for Shenyang city affordable housing development construction plan, allocation and management scheme, this scheme to promote Shenyang housing safeguard the smooth implementation of the work. The main innovation of this paper are:the affordable housing development from the construction, distribution and management three angle undertake an analysis, the research contents involve affordable housing system in the implementation of all aspects. Analysis of Shenyang city housing development present situation deeply, in the light of Shenyang city the development of housing security system existing problem formulation suitable for Shenyang city affordable housing construction and management development program, to further promote the Shenyang city affordable housing work smoothly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shenyang, Security housing, Construction, Management, Research
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