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The Budget Management Research Of X Tobacco Company

Posted on:2015-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q WangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of China’s market economy and increasingly fierce competition amongenterprises, budget management as an effective management tool for business development, is been muchmore valued in enterprises. Since1982, China’s tobacco industry implementing the monopoly system hasexperienced a rapid development stage, becoming an important source of state tax revenue. Into the21stcentury, the situation facing the tobacco industry and the environment has changed greatly. The key tofurther promote its reform is how to adapt to the market development in the existing environment. At thesame time, budget management as an effective tool of modern management, is introduced into the dailymanagement of the enterprise. Due to the old concept, system, and many other reasons, there are stillmany problems in the implement of budget management in the use of the tobacco industry, resulting in theinefficient effcet.From the budget management status of X Tobacco Company, this paper introduces comprehensiveintroduction to the implementation of budget management in the X Tobacco Company, and focuses on itscontrol, adjustment and evaluation of budget management. Trying to find out why X Tobacco Company isinsufficient in the budget. Then we can solve the problems in the process while we can effectively improvethe budget management of X tobacco company level in order to achieve more efficient businessmanagement.The budget management of X tobacco company has made certain achievements, such as maturingbudget management systems and creating a good atmosphere of budget evaluation, paving the way ofbudget management for the future. While some success has achieved, but there are still questions, such asbudget targets is poor connecting with implementation process, unscientific budgeting, costing control isweak, unreasonable incentives, lacking of budget audit. The reason is that fewer highly educated employeesand budget supervision mechanism. For shortcomings, X tobacco company should strengthen strategicobjectives to guide the budget targets, improve budgeting and fine degree, strengthen cost control, establisha more comprehensive evaluation of the budget incentives and strengthen budget auditing, in order toimprove the company management level purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:budget, budget management, tobacco company
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