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Ownership Structure And Listed Companies’M&A Performance

Posted on:2016-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J QianFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the improvement of the legal system and economic environment, mergers and acquisitions have become an important way to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises against external competition. A domestic research institution indicates that domestic M&A market is developing rapidly in recent years. From2007to2013, the number of M&A transactions rise from201to513, an increase of513%.In this context, the study on M&A performance become a popular topic. However, the research on the influence of the different shareholding structure act on the performance of M&A is still relatively scarce.From the perspective of agency problems, we study the impact of ownership structure on the performance of M&A. In addition, this paper also studies the influence of the property right protection of state-owned enterprise on the M&A performance.In order to more effectively evaluate the performance of M&A, this paper respectively uses Event Study Method and Financial Index Method to estimate short-term performance and long-term performance of M&A. Then use the multiple linear regression models to examine impact of ownership structure on M&A performance.This study found that M&A can significantly improve the performance of companies both in long-term and short-term. Institutional shareholding and managerial shareholding is positively related to M&A performance; Ownership concentration is negatively related to M&A performance. In addition, we find state-owned enterprises’ M&A performance is better than private enterprises’, especially in property protection industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mergers and acquisition, Agency problems, Ownership structure, Performance, Property right protection
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