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The Research On Social Network Of Man Luanhui Village Under Modern Tea Economy

Posted on:2016-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W S ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the perspective of "intervention- effect- changes", this thesis examines that under the background of modernization the dynamic process of the Chinese traditional minority country’s social network change and reconstruction. The author choose a small village which has rich national cultural characteristics of "Hui-Dai", in menghai county, xishuangbanna, yunnan province, as the field to the investigation research. This article in the view of anthropology, and classical ethnography overall method, on the basis of the integrated use of participant observation, case interview and in-depth investigation and so on, through a large number of first-hand field cases, to analysis the village’s specific change of process on social network after a large number of the modern tea factory entering, as well as detailed description and analysis the communication model on family internal, the villagers to each other, the villagers and surrounding villagers, villagers with foreign businessmen. Explore the interaction between people and cultural connotation on the perspective of cultural.Full thesis is divided into two parts of the introduction and main text, the main text has four chapters.The introduction part illustrates the research reason, purpose and significance of this article, research methods, the field’s social-economic situation, and the author’s field research experiences. It also combed the domestic and foreign research achievements about social network.First chapter based on the background of historical relationship between the village and tea, along the historical development context of the village, there are three main periods can be mentioned to introduce the way of living and the development of social network about this village. In particular, this chapter shows the change of land-use structure and the means of living after the menghai industrial zone completed.The second chapter describes the new change of social relations in the village. The content divides into two parts, the internal relationship of villagers and family. From this two aspects, the author explore the villagers’ specific situation in activities of maintaining and building the social network.The third chapter further describes relationship between the villagers and the surrounding neighboring villagers, as well as the interactions of villagers and foreign merchants. Materials presented that villagers have to make choice to adapt to the social environment and develop new social relationship when the new way of living happened.Chapter four summarizes the former three chapters, and expounds the changes of the social network under the background of the modern tea economy. Meanwhile, the author analyzes the whole materials with related theories.The author’s research proves that the rapid social development really changed people’s interactional behavior pattern. But during this change, the economic rationality can’t replaced all the human’s rational entirely. On the one hand the villagers have to look for opportunities and get more economic benefits according to the principle of market economy. On the other hand, they live in the original relationship model and corresponding moral system. In addition, as the scientists said,“the social responsibility and obligations which imposed upon people”, but it is not that strong relationship of country villagers. In fact, villagers are able to mobilize the "strong relationship" resources to gain economic benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Hui-Dai"culture, Modernization, Social network, Dynamic process
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