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The Research Of Relationship Between Social Responsibility And Financial Performance Of The Power Industy

Posted on:2016-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T X XieFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, the concept of a harmonious society has become a new social development, one-sided emphasis on economic growth model of development for both models are increasingly environmentally and socially balanced development replaced this context, corporate social responsibility has become a hot research. Activist groups and legal limitations due to the existence of market regulation on business is no longer just a purely economic center, but also a social and political significance, the positive impact on the formation of the economic rules of the game through their behavior. Corporate social responsibility, the beneficiaries including shareholders, customers, employees, etc., to improve corporate value and help create a good market mechanism to promote the healthy development of the market economy. Therefore, corporate social responsibility practice helps a community to achieve inner and outer harmony.Measure of corporate social responsibility has been the study of the social responsibility of business is a major problem. In this paper, based on the literature read a lot of domestic and foreign corporate social responsibility, under the theoretical framework of social responsibility, designed a series of measurable indicators of the power of corporate social responsibility to the power industry in Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies in all five 2009-2013 years of data as a sample, the relationship between the electricity industry practice social responsibility and financial performance of empirical research. Concrete steps to clarify the research background in the first part, the significance and objectives, current research, research methods, content and lack of research. In the second part of the status quo elaborated the theory of corporate social responsibility and financial performance, including the concept of social responsibility and financial performance, as well as the correlation between electricity industry practice social responsibility. Electricity industry empirical study of social responsibility and financial performance in the third part, the power companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen-listed for the past five years of data samples, combined with domestic responsibility standards "China Social Responsibility Index System", and the characteristics of the power industry, Select the power industry study of social responsibility and financial performance indicators, the last of the collected power industry social responsibility and financial performance indicator data for data analysis, in order to test theories and research findings established or not established conditions. In the fourth part of the article proposed an improved power industry practice social responsibility impact on financial performance measures, practicing the responsibility of the creditor from power companies, suppliers responsibility and environmental responsibility to propose a solution three angles, making the practice of social enterprise responsibility for a positive impact on financial performance. The last part is the conclusion and outlook.
Keywords/Search Tags:social responsibility, financial performance, power enterprise
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