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The Implementation Of The ERP Funds Accounting System In The Bank

Posted on:2016-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461990231Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, due to the rapid development of China’s economy so that the domestic financial market is gradually opening up, so people’s investment demand is rising year by year, which indicates that the banking industry will usher in better prospects for development; at the same time, the integration of the global economy make markets more complex environment in which the bank’s own management and financial innovation have higher requirements. Therefore, all banks to enhance their competitive advantage and market value, full use of modern advanced information technology to build an information management platform to promote its strategic goal to become the bank’s prime consideration.Banking information management platform must be financial accounting; First, banks must ensure that the overall budget management and monitoring is built on the basis of the financial policy of the above specification, and the financial statements should be queries and submissions promptly. At the same time resource information management platform for rational use and improve the efficiency of resource use, traffic departments have uniform rules; head office and branch office in using the same information platform to share information between them.In this paper, the bank funds ORACLE ERP accounting system as the research object, in a detailed analysis of the bank for the current situation on the basis of the financial management of funds, focusing on analysis of business processes ERP accounting system of bank capital and business scope of each module, financial accounting system for each bank modules for functional design. In this paper, examples of actual participation in the project as the core, combined with relevant theoretical knowledge to explain the overall project implementation process, including the X Bank as a case study of the object.X Bank is a commercial bank, under the rapid development of economy and fierce competition that X banks reflect a wide range of issues:inconsistent accounting and data asymmetry; information systems are not unified, so that the data cannot be shared; business processes are not uniform; there is no effective fund management; existing systems cannot fully meet the demand; confusion statements are not uniform; not unified information platform lead to data chaos and so on. Improve the level of corporate information technology is an effective way to solve these problems, and therefore consider the implementation of ERP systems within the bank.ERP accounting system project funds of banks including ORACLE ERP standard modules and based on actual business developed customized modules. Standard modules include:General Ledger module, accounts payable module, asset module, customized modules include loans module, investment and financing module, and reporting modules and other modules. Each module sets the appropriate permissions entry and review authority, after entry staffs finished the business data entry and submitted to the reviewer to conduct business and financial approval.In this paper firstly elaborated the status of the bank’s information, background and significance of the bank’s financial accounting ERP system, in addition to the application of the system is also in the current research summarized. Secondly, early in the project to understand user needs, a detailed analysis of the business processes and business scope of the banking system of accounting, in order to define what customers want and what features can be implemented within the system. Next, according to the analysis of business processes and business scope, given the functional design of each module and the main instructions. Then, with the implementation process of the project, describes the implementation of the entire project management process, which will be tested as part of a separate section to describe the focus. Finally, summarize the entire project operational status and harvest, the project summary.
Keywords/Search Tags:bank, ERP, financial accounting systems
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