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Study On Sustainable Development In Weifang City Agritourizm

Posted on:2015-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461954847Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the accelerating pace of life, an increasingly competitive modern society, the g radual increase in the level of income at the same time, people are increasingly divers ified leisure travel craving, distinctive sound ecological environment in rural areas has become the most relaxing good place to go. So we have a fusion of agriculture and tourism new industry- agritourism. Experts predict that the trend of world agricultur al development by the three-dimensional planar development, from extensive to intensi ve development, the new model from the conventional type of agricultural developmen t to ecological development, organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, agricultural facil ities, tourism and agriculture will is the trend of the 21 st century agricultural develop ment. 2011 "National leisure agriculture development," second five "plan," the goal is: "By 2015, leisure agriculture become across rural secondary and tertiary industries in emerging industries, has become the promotion of farmers’ income and employment t o meet the leisure needs of residents livelihood industry become alleviate resource con straints and protecting the environment green industry has become the development of new consumer formats and expanding domestic demand pillar industry. " This fully sh ows that agritourism is growing attention at all levels. These major strategic decisions for our country to do the "three rural" work to promote agricultural efficiency and r ural incomes, rural prosperity, comprehensive building a harmonious society, an import ant guiding significance. Especially the construction of ecological civilization eighteen generals party into the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics "Five in One" o verall layout, so Agritourism based on agricultural production and natural ecosystems ushered a good opportunity for development.In this paper, the basic theory of leisure agriculture to proceed, the connotation o f leisure agriculture, features, functionality and other aspects are further discussed, that the development of leisure agriculture is an objective need for economic and social d evelopment and the inevitable choice is to expand the functionality of agriculture and rich content, and for the promotion of agricultural structure adjustment, optimize the al location of labor resources in rural areas, speed up the process of urbanization, to ach ieve sustainable agricultural and rural economic development is of great significance to further enrich the theoretical study of leisure agriculture.Through the course of development of leisure agriculture at home and abroad, sta tus and trends analysis, development of leisure agriculture should be based on local conditions, to fully exploit the existing resources on scientific planning and rational dist ribution, highlighting the features and highlights to create, promote Agritourism other i ndustries such as tourism and cultural integration of the development and take good e cological environment and farmers’ income, industrial coordination of the road of susta inable development. System analysis using the SWOT method factors in Weifang City leisure agriculture. Identify the advantages of Weifang City, the development of leisur e agriculture mainly: location and transportation conditions for the development of agri culture provides a convenient sightseeing; rich agriculture, culture and tourism resource s; strong policy support; abundant labor resources; substantial increase in economic str ength provide good financial security for sightseeing agriculture. Weifang City, the dev elopment of leisure agriculture inferior performance: the depth and breadth of leisure a griculture development is not enough; infrastructure, especially leisure facilities weak; r elated management services also keep up; characteristics of agricultural support is not obvious; right public unattractive; and the district and the surrounding attractions and l eisure venues do not interact convergence; efforts in promotional also insufficient infor mation dissemination channels for a single, relatively low external visibility. Found its external opportunities: Weifang city leisure trends and planning direction, development of leisure agriculture provided a broad space; construction proposed tourism economy,tourism and strong city, and create a good opportunity for the development of leisure agriculture; rapid economic development and continuous improvement of the living st andards of urban and rural residents, so that leisure agriculture development with a str ong consumer demand for tourism-based; huge private capital and favorable investment environment for the development of leisure agriculture Weifang City into a powerful financial force. The challenge is: Sustainable development is faced with enormous chal lenges; challenges facing the long-term fundamental interests of farmers; culture and h eritage protection challenges. Combined with the actual find countermeasures Weifang Weifang City Agritourism can be a sustainable development. Government to increase i nvestment, scientific decision-making; scientific planning; strengthen the market system,strengthening the industrialization process; strengthen the infrastructure of science and technology, improve the overall quality of technical personnel; strengthening enterpris es as the mainstay of management.Finally, from a practical perspective on the construction of Weifang City Fangzi l eisure agriculture projects, in order to provide practical and Experience in Weifang Cit y, leisure agriculture development projects.The innovation of this paper is: systems analysis using the SWOT method Weifa ng City Agritourism, find out the advantages and disadvantages, found its external opp ortunities and challenges, to correctly understand and make good use of their existing advantages, seize the favorable opportunities for development, effectively circumvent an d weakening the threat of adverse effects caused by inferior, clear thinking, scientific decision-making, rational development and construction, so Weifang City Agritourism e mbark on the path of sustainable development and healthy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Weifang City, fresh Agritourism, Sustainable Development
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