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Analysis Of Zhoushan Wharf Financial Product Ystem And Policy Thinking

Posted on:2016-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461951003Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
New terms for Zhejiang Zhoushan are to develop a port and shipping logistics,it has become Zhoushan New construction of important aspects. In this regard, the State Council also issued a special on the "State Council on the economic development of Zhejiang Ocean demonstration area planning approval," In this plan, the State Department made clear the need to vigorously accelerate Zhoushan hub as well as an international logistics center storage and transportation of commodities turn machining centers, to increase service capacity Zhoushan port and shipping logistics, to develop the current Zhoushan port and shipping logistics has become imperative. But for Zhoushan, the port and shipping logistics industry is still an emerging industry, with industry wide coverage, high demand for capital and technology features. Therefore, the development of port and shipping logistics needs, we must vigorously develop the port and shipping finance, there is a sound financial system and policy as a product support. However, because of the Hong Kong Bank finance is still in the preliminary stage of development, there are many deficiencies of financial products for its supporting system and policy, so a lot of success with the world’s incoming finance for development is still there is a big gap. So, in Zhoushan, how to improve financial products Zhoushan port and shipping system and policy has become urgent need to address the problem. This article is under construction background District of Zhoushan, Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands District based development plan, Zhejiang Zhoushan Island, construction and development of international logistics planning, Ningbo- Zhoushan Port Development Policy document integration with national development planning and financial environment, the analysis discussed in Zhoushan Wharf financial product development process system and policy, the final form of the development of financial products in Zhoushan port and shipping development system and policy measures and suggestions are given.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hong Kong Bank Financial, product system, policy
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