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Research On The Development Of Regional Tea Brand Based On The Protection Of Geographical Indications

Posted on:2016-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461488065Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Green mountains and rivers with tea, Huaan county is located in the northwest end of Zhangzhou City, the production of tea has a long his tory, the Ming and Qing Dynasties tea exported to Europe and Southeas t Asia and other countries. According to "Huaan county" records:"Hua an tea cultivation has a long history, the earliest can be traced bac k to the late Tang and early Song Dynasty, the tea industry from twen ty to nineteenth to the twentieth century reached its peak, Huaan cou nty seat HuaFeng called’tea baking’, is a famous ancient town for teHowever, the development of tea industry in Huaan has certain devel opment problems and bottlenecks, which requires Huaan to set up the p rotection of geographical indications of the regional brand of tea, i n order to solve these problems, so as to bring the advantages for th e development of Huaan tea industry, and promote the further developm ent of county economy in Huaan.Geographical indication is mainly composed of the region’s natural conditions or the local culture condition and determined, he represen ts the source of the goods. It has a promoting effect on the tea indu stry of Huaan brand resources, but also can be used as a core pillar of support for the development of tea industry in Huaan.This study is through the geographical indications of the establish ment and development of the brand, to promote the tea industry in Hua an. First of all, using the SWOT analysis method and PEST analysis me thod to analyze the current situation and problems of Huaan tea indus try, and the necessity of the establishment of the protection of geog raphical indications of Huaan county tea industry brand; then using t he game analysis between Huaan tea enterprises, to analyze whether th e enterprise and between enterprises alliance and benefits, to determ ine the alliance between Huaan tea enterprises. Then design a questio nnaire, using the index evaluation system of development analysis and AHP to evaluate the brand of Huaan tea industry brand development of tea brand, and then makes an empirical analysis; finally put forward the development strategy of Huaan tea geographical brand, so as to pr omote the construction of regional brand in Huaan County of geographi cal indications of the tea industry, efforts to enhance regional the brand, enhance the competitiveness of Huaan tea industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hua’an tea industry, Geography symbol, Tea brand
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