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Countermeasure Research Of China-Eurasia Expo Promoting Xinjiang’s Foreign Trade Development

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452993700Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Exhibition economy as a new type of economy, with strong agglomeration effect andradiation effect, in some developed countries has become the main driving force ofdevelopment of export-oriented economy. With the deepening of China’s reform and openingup, the convention and exhibition industry, has become one of the most vigorous and potentialindustry in our country. Through the exhibition to promote foreign trade and economicdevelopment in host, has been widely promoted by the various provinces and cities in ourcountry. With the implement of national strategy of "western development" and opening up tothe advance of Xinjiang, the Xinjiang foreign trade and economic rapid development hasgiven rise to WuQiaHui, was held in1992the first WuQiaHui in urumqi, Xinjiang. During19years, WuQiaHui has got rich achievements, the cumulative foreign economic and tradeturnover is$39.65billion, In2011, WuQiaHui has upgraded to China-Eurasia Expo, whichwill set up a business platform of Xinjiang and central Asia, South Asia and Europeancountries on the foreign trade and economic exchanges and cooperation and become the"booster" on the development of foreign trade and economic cooperation of Xinjiang. Thefirst and the second China-Eurasia Expo realized total foreign economic relations and trade,clinch a deal amount is$5.506billion and$6.241billion respectively, respectively accountedfor about23%of the total amount of the Xinjiang foreign trade and economic cooperation and26%, due to China-Eurasia Expo held three so far only, there are a lot of room forimprovement, so the research how to better play to the functions of China-expo platform, tobetter promote the development of the Xinjiang foreign trade and economic cooperation isvery necessary.By understanding China-Eurasia Expo process and its effects from various aspects andcombing China-Eurasia Expo (WuQiaHui) and the interactive development of the Xinjiangforeign trade and economic cooperation, want to trial to use empirical analysis method,inspection China-Eurasia Expo to promote foreign trade and economic development inXinjiang. Reference to previous scholars analyzed the influence of the exhibition to the hostcity economic development mechanism, because the Chinese-expo held in Urumqi, Xinjiang,so in this paper, the empirical part in Urumqi, for example, multiple linear regression wasused to study in Urumqi, China-Eurasia Expo and related economic relations, then using grey correlation analysis in Urumqi, China-Eurasia Expo and correlation of each economicbehavior. By looking at statistical year book of Xinjiang, Urumqi accounts for about40%ofthe amount of the Xinjiang foreign trade and economic cooperation each year, foreign tradeand economic cooperation thus it can be showed by the empirical results whetherChina-Eurasia Expo to Xinjiang foreign trade and economic cooperation. Finally, this paperdiscusses the shortage of the first three session of China-Eurasia Expo, put forward topromote the Xinjiang foreign trade development, for the purpose of advice on how to betterdevelopment of China-Eurasia Expo.
Keywords/Search Tags:China-Eurasia Expo, Xinjiang, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Countermeasures
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