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Management And Promotion On Customer Satisfaction Of Auto4S Shops

Posted on:2015-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G F XiongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Customer satisfaction index represents the whole operation and management level ofenterprises, it is the degree of involvement of the results. Satisfaction of the requirements ofenterprise working concept and all the business processes must be designed as desired bythe users as the center, including internal and external users, everywhere for the sake ofusers, from every detail to continue to work to improve. The pursuit of customersatisfaction, customer loyalty is a permanent theme shop survival, development ofautomobile4S shops.This paper discusses the management and promotion strategy on customersatisfaction of automobile4S shops, consists of five chapters: the first chapter isintroduction. Discusses the research methods from the basic concept and customersatisfaction. Present situation of customer satisfaction domestic vehicle in our secondchapter. Discusses the present situation and the existing problems of satisfaction, analysisand influence factors of4S store customer satisfaction. Analysis and FAW Volkswagen4Sshop CSS questionnaire evolution chapter third customer satisfaction survey method. Adetailed analysis of the key points of each MOT FAW Volkswagen4S store sales, after saleservice CSS questionnaire involved, for each MOT is analyzed, put forward4S shops dohardware and software on every MOT should provide support content. The fourth chaptersatisfaction promotion strategy. The FAW Volkswagen (Shijiazhuang) a4S store1-9in2013after sale service CSS findings, for example to discuss how to find the4S storecustomer satisfaction MOT, how to make use of personnel, hardware, process, managementof four factor method, combining the fishbone diagram analysis problem of MOT pointcauses, follow the SMART principles to formulate measures for improvement andexecutive, attention should be paid to tracking control aspects. Discusses customersatisfaction in the work, how to improve the level of how to improve the staff andmanagement level, discusses in detail the customer satisfaction and customer loyaltyrelationship and the establishment of five elements of customer loyalty, and points out theimportant value of customer loyalty to the auto4S shops.
Keywords/Search Tags:Satisfaction
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